Thursday, May 28, 2020

Former Nevada's AG gives accounting on mail-in ballots

Ex-Nevada AG Tells of Ballots ‘Piled up in Apartments and Trash Cans and in Hallways’ Because of Mail-in Voting

"During an interview with Tucker Carlson former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt said that President Trump’s concerns about mail in voting are not unfounded and that he expects voter fraud in his state to increase as a result."

Read about it...


  1. Since you have promoted mail-in voting twice on this blog, Lynn, once in 2009 and once in 2017, are you for it or against it now?

  2. LO-
    Don't recall ever "promoting" mail-in ballots unless it is ballots of service personnel and those who can't get to the polls--sick, infirmed, etc.
    What I will say about it is, I am for every means possible to end voter fraud. I think we had enough of that here locally as well as in Broward county during the last general election in 2016.
    We had enough of it when Mack Bernard and Al Jacquet were harvesting ballots. They both received nearly half their votes from vote-by-mail ballots, knocking on doors and supposedly doing voters a favor by helping them fill them out and then taking the ballots and mailing them.
    I personally would never vote by absentee ballot unless it was under circumstances listed above. I like to put my ballot in the machine myself.


  4. One was for informational purposes only. I was not promoting it.
    The second link has nothing to do with absentee voting--just information.
    If you go to labels on the right side of my blog there are a few blogs about absentee voting.
    Why are you so obsessed? Unreal. LOL
    Now, if you want to take the Democrat position that mail-in ballots don't and will not cause fraud, take your own advice and try and Google the reasons why it can and it will.

  5. Lynn, stop answering comments from perverted progressives.

  6. Trump just signed his name on millions of $1200 checks and sent them THROUGH THE U.S. MAIL without a single concern about “fraud.”


  7. @3:07...your point?
    If someone cashes that check or deposits that check, they would have to have an ID of sorts.
    We are talking about ballots that can be harvested, changed, never submitted, false registrations, forgery...ballots more likely to be compromised. 20% of ballots are submitted by mail. that's a lot of votes that could be compromised. The person on the other end of that ballot does not know Laurie Lou from a hole in the ID, etc.
