Sunday, May 17, 2020

China gets Negative Views

U.S. Views of China Increasingly Negative Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Republicans more negative than Democrats toward China, though unfavorable ratings have climbed among both parties.

"Views of China have soured further in 2020, building on the dramatic uptick in negativity seen between 2018 and 2019. Roughly two-thirds of Americans now have a negative opinion of China, the highest percentage recorded since Pew Research Center began asking the question in 2005. Only about a quarter in the U.S. report a favorable attitude." [Pew Research]

China is our enemy in spite of what Joe believes or the 25% who still give China a favorable rating...must be Democrats or people living in a vacuum.

Read about it... at Pew Research Center.


  1. Trump spent the first 3 months of 2020 complimenting China on it's transparency and COVID response. That, after 3 years of hosting China's president at Mar-a-lago and bragging about how well they got along together.

    Biden has never viewed China as "transparent" or America's friend. He also has never exchanged "love letters" or "fallen in love" with Kim Jong-un.

    Not sure where you've been these last 3 years, Lynn, but while you have been away, Trump has been sucking up to all of our enemies to one degree or another.

  2. Well, anonymous, I'm not sure WHERE YOU HAVE BEEN. Obviously full of trump derangement syndrome. Trump will be re-elected so get used to having the best president ever.
    And that Biden comment must be a joke.
    I hesitated about publishing your comment as I have told you before, publish your own blog or go to your own Facebook page for crap. Don't come here. This is not an equal opportunity fair and balanced blog for Trump haters to spew their garbage. Facts are something you are short on.

    Have you ever heard of Détente?

    President Trump listened to his advisers as well as the WHO who either lied or are totally inept on the coronavirus. He has done a great job after getting all of the facts.

    Biden is too stupid to understand "detente." You're not, but would rather give the Democrat negative line. Why can't you democrats admit Biden is a disaster? Do you want to end up a submissive country to every dictator alive>

    We can't afford a North Korean civil conflict or regime collapse. It could mean loose nukes, a major war on the Korean Peninsula and more. Much better to stroke the ego of Kim Jong un than piss him off and this country do everything possible to have them denuclearize.

    We have to be very careful with confrontations with China, which is the world’s second-largest economy and an emerging major power. China impacts the global economy. We can't sever ties either. We must attempt detente to avoid a military confrontation. That would affect the entire world and not be to our benefit or anyone' benefit. Too ridiculous to consider. so, sanctions stay in place.

    Trump understands this, anonymous. Do the sanctions demonstrate LOVE to you? Trump is committed to diplomacy, which is a smart tactic. So if you call negotiations with the enemy "sucking up," you are really misinformed.

  3. anon @ 1:52

    Trump is the first President we have had that was sharp enough to force China to stop stealing from America in the trade deals. He did this as a businessman, the way a business man negotiates. I doubt a leftist coward ( anonymous poster) would understand enough about negotiating business deals to understand how superior Trump has been to past presidents, but since I am talking to a coward, I don't really care.
    As for Biden, when he has not soiled himself and is temporarily Lucid ( for him) rather then in the dementia based stupor he tends to be found in most of the time, he is a man that will buddy up to any foreign leader that will pay Joe or his son the big money their allegiance is worth. And little coward...unless you want to write back with your own name, a mean spirited and whiny reply from an anonymous coward is too pathetic to take seriously. Grow some frickin B*lls and post under your name, or discuss this stuff in person in town....Our local merchants need the business. If your not afraid to leave mommy's basement, and you would do a coffee or lunch chat in town, I will even pay...and to actual people that are not hiding in basements, I am anonymous cowards I think everyone should piss on is a sickness of the internet.

  4. It would have been nice, if we had thought about all of this 30 years ago, but the idea that we could do without trade with China now, is suicidal. Just thinking of the prices we would pay for American made goods, (which I always try to buy) would put many many people in the poor house, not to mention bankrupting most of our large retailers.

    Economics is not as boring as you might think. Especially, when your survival might depend on it. Go back and read David Ricardo from the 18th century. There is no reason for us to reinvent the wheel.
