Sunday, May 31, 2020

George Floyd PROTEST in Lake Worth (Beach)

Group of protesters gather in Lake Worth Beach, 2 people attempt to burn American flag

"A group gathered Saturday afternoon at Lake Worth Beach City Hall to protest the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police.

During the protest, two people pulled the American flag from the flagpole, tore it, and attempted to ignite it in front of the CVS near City Hall.

Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office deputies retrieved the destroyed flag and will dispose of it with a proper burial. Why didn't those who stole our flag and then burn it get arrested?

The crowd departed City Hall, moved down Lake Avenue, then traveled to Bryant Park." [WPTVChannel 5]

What was advertised as a "vigil" for George Floyd, is mentioned in the WPTV article as a "protest." I can't understand the mayor lending her name to such an event but can certainly understand Mark Parrilla as being a part of a protest.


  1. that PArilla again?

  2. Did the fools have to get a permit or was that waved too?

  3. All commissioners who were there should have had the PBSO to arrest that guy from WPB who vandalized the American flag that was high on a flag pole that belongs to all of us. It was eventually burned.
    What were commissioners doing? Being wimps afraid of an escalation? Playing politics? Why didn't the sheriff take action?
    What in the hell is wrong with these people?
    Just another black eye to the residents of this city, resident who pay these guys to make correct decisions.

  4. The Mayor was taking a big chance for allowing people to march for George Floyd in this incendiary environment across the country right now, an environment caused by anarchists who are well organized. What probably saved our city was the fact there was no announcement and not enough time for the hoodlums to organize.

  5. Antifa paid terrorist. Was Pam paid too? Why not have a "protest" for the clerk who was beaten down for not having an item a black female wanted to buy with her free money?

  6. lots of different people walking around town this morning at 8am.hope it doesnt mean anything.TERM LIMIT best way is VOTE THEM OUT then get rid of cm

  7. All for nothing. A bit rough to knee the man but it turns out that's not what killed him. Meth did.

  8. Floyd wasn't murdered but the MSM loves this narrative.

  9. Plain and simple, Pam is not a good mayor for Lake Worth! Vote her out!
