Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Food Stamp Fraud

Shopper Sees Nasty Thing Woman Does In Walmart Parking Lot And Starts Recording

According to a 2019 report produced by the Government and Accountability Office (GAO), at least $1 billion in food stamp benefits are “trafficked annually,” meaning they are fraudulently used. The extent of the fraud is uncertain, the GAO warns, estimating the abuse of the program could be as high as $4.7 billion.
Food stamp fraud happens every day. We see people driving Mercedes autos using their SNAP cards. "This lawyer in New York was purchasing items at his local grocery store when he encountered a Muslim woman buying a huge cart full of soda using her food stamp card.

From her conversation, he quickly learned that the soda wasn’t for her or her family, however, but was being purchased with food stamps so she could then re-sell at her convenience store.

When he confronts her in the parking lot to tell her she is stealing money from taxpayers, she instantly goes into a violent foul-mouthed rage where she tells Americans exactly what she thinks of them." [PatriotNationPress.com]

1 comment:

  1. I know it has happened to me right here in Lake Worth several times at a Latino supermarket, like Bravo on Dixie, guys have asked me to give them cash, like $20 for 25 dollars worth of groceries. Of course I would never do that, I do not like all of this either, there is so much abuse of the system now, with food stamps, Medicaid, any form of government assistance. I agree with you Lynn too, that the illegals coming here know how to work the system. It is all a sin. Sad we have half our population in the USA that abuse the system and are just plain lazy and corrupt.
