Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Voter Fraud and Ballot Harvesting

Democratic Philly Elections Judge Pleads Guilty to Stuffing Ballot Boxes for Bribes

Democrats are always saying Trump is in fantasy land when he talks about voter fraud.

Domenick J. DeMuro, a former judge of elections and Democratic committeeman in Philadelphia, took thousands of dollars from a political consultant to cast fraudulent ballots and certify phony returns, according to the indictment. Think of all the similar situation/cases across the country where people have not been caught.

Commissioner Mack Bernard and Rep. Al Jacquet, both Democrats, were exposed for knocking on voters doors and helping them fill out their ballots and then offering to mail it in for them--ballot harvesting--and nothing happened to them.

A type of voter fraud, and there are many examples, is
FRAUDULENT USE OF ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Requesting absentee ballots and voting without the knowledge of the actual voter; or obtaining the absentee ballot from a voter and either filling it in directly and forging the voter’s signature or illegally telling the voter who to vote for.

Formerly known as absentee voting, you can now vote from the comfort of your own home.
How it works
1. A voter requests a ballot - by phone, online, in person or by mail.
2. Elections office mails the ballot.
3. The voter fills it out, seals it, then mails it or drops it off at the elections office.
What could go wrong
No guarantee you can vote secretly -- No protection from politicking, either.
Little security -- No picture ID to request a ballot by mail, easier for others to vote on your behalf.
It’s out of your hands -- Candidates and campaign workers routinely deliver ballots to the elections office. [PBPost]
Read about it...


  1. Actually, many have been caught.

    - Possible election fraud investigated in Marion


    - North Carolina GOP Operative Faces New Felony Charges That Allege Ballot Fraud


    - Trump, GOP Paying Consultant Dogged by Voter Fraud Charges


    - Fla. Woman Accused of Changing Voters’ Party Affiliation From Dem to GOP


    It's amazing how much voter fraud is out there.

  2. How were these cases adjudicated, anonymous?
