Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Nathaniel Brazill - Twenty Years Later

Nathaniel Brazill shot his teacher to death 20 years ago today

It's like it was yesterday when this 13 year old stole his grandfather's gun and bullets and went back to Lake Worth Middle School near the end of the school day. He pointed a gun at teacher Barry Grunow. Grunow asked him to put the gun down. Instead he shot him in the face...dead.

The article points out all of his excuses:  “Twenty years ago, I was a 13-year-old kid recognized by law as being too immature and too irresponsible to drive a car, get married, join the military, sign a contract, see a rated ‘R’ movie, or vote,” Brazill wrote from prison. No remorse?

He ended up getting a 28 year sentence for cold blooded murder and he has been bitching about the sentence ever since.

Read about it...