Thursday, May 21, 2020

Seattle has asked the state to give it $100 millon for illegal aliens

You won't see barbed wired when you cross the border in Washington state. The entire illegal populous of the world is welcomed there and now they want to give even more benefits to these criminals.

LIBERAL UTOPIA: Seattle Council, on a 9/0 vote, Ask State to ‘Create $100M Virus Fund’ for Illegal Immigrants

"The measure urges Inslee and the Legislature to create a ‘Washington Worker Relief Fund,’ with an initial allocation of at least $100 million, ‘to provide emergency economic assistance to undocumented Washingtonians."

Read about it...

Seattle can't pay it's bills even before coronavirus and had a $1.5 billion financial hole and earned a D grade in its financial condition. Seattle ranks 44 out of 75 of the largest U.S. cities for its fiscal health. Washington State is a Sanctuary state.

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