Saturday, May 30, 2020

Someone Baker Act Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin Tells Jim Acosta How to Kill President Trump, Twitter finally suspends her

Awh gee, two of the most repulsive people around! But it's basically all Democrats who salivate when degenerates such as Griffin attack our president. They really "get off" on it.

Later she told off another reporter with the Washington Examiner after he reported her comment to Twitter of using a Syringe with nothing but air to stab/kill the President. Twitter said that "they would look into it."

Her response, “Go f**k yourself. Do you wanna tussle with me, you f**king amateur?”



  1. Who’s Kathy griffin and why do you give her so much attention? What a bore!

  2. Just to show another deranged Trump hater who should be locked up--that's all anonymous @10:35

  3. Has been having tantrum for attention. If it were Joeblow she'd be arrested. She can't pose in bikini (please don't) so she does this.
