Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Benny's on the Beach Leases at the Lake Worth beach


1.  Impact of Covid-19
Starting on June 1, if there are still Covid restrictions in place on their indoor occupancy, what's proposed is a 50% abatement and a 50% deferral. The base rent of half the rent of $20,000 a month, will continue to be deferred if restrictions are still in place until November 1 or when restrictions are lifted, whichever comes first. Benny's will have one year to pay back the deferred rent.

2.  Infectious diseases as they may occur in the future
As of November 1, if there are govt restrictions on infectious disease that restricts the tenants use of its occupancy the city will go into a deferral situation. This will last until restrictions are lifted or one year.

3.  Benny's waived the abatement on the pier closure.

The vote was 4/1 with commissioner Robinson dissenting. Robinson wanted the City to be fair to all of our tenants at the beach, not just one with favorable status with the city. He emphasized that there should be a policy for all our tenants and be fair to all. The city attorney said that the leases are all different and the others have no abatement provision.


4.  Benny's on the Beach will assume the Mulligan lease and turn it into a Mexican restaurant. They will get three months of free rent to do the renovations.  $15,910.11 a month base rent. 3.5% increase each year for full term of this lease. The lease term will be extended to a 10 year initial term commencing October 1or rent commencement date with 2, five year options for renewal. Security deposit will be two months of base rent. Covid deferral and abatement would start on October 1 or when they're ready to open and run through December 31. Beginning January 1 2021 additional deferrals and abatement would apply if needed.

The vote was 5/0.


  1. Where did y’all hear that it’s going to be a Mexican restaurant, Facebook? LOL!

  2. The actual LEASE anonymous, LOL yourself!

  3. There is no attraction in Lake Worth, that would induce me to pay those parking fees. Also, I prefer Mexican Restaurants, to be owned by Mexicans.

    Lupita's has good Mexican food, but the inside of the place is hard to get past. It needs some work.

  4. I don't go to restaurants because of the owners ethnicity. I go because of the quality of the food they serve!Stop being such a racist.

  5. Just what we need in Lake Worth...more Mexicans. Lynn shows us all the time the crime they're committing and the way they degrade the city. Why would anyone want this? Oh, I know...diversity. Liberal crap ruining our clean city.

  6. Have you ever been to a restaurant, 1:52?
