Saturday, May 16, 2020

Pelosi has Lost Her Mind

Pelosi’s Bill Gives Massive Tax Break To The Rich In Mostly Blue States, Taxpayer Money To Illegal Aliens

"The third COVID-19 relief bill was signed on Friday, and lawmakers are now starting to propose ideas for the next round of stimulus. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) floated an idea in a New York Times interview to "retroactively undo [the] SALT" deduction cap. Repealing or increasing that cap would be costly and poorly targeted as pandemic relief as benefits would flow almost entirely to high-income households, and retroactively doing so would be an even larger windfall to high-income households.

The SALT cap limits the deduction for state and local sales taxes to $10,000, enacted by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) to broaden the tax base. Completely repealing the cap retroactively for the last two years would cost over $130 billion, with about half the benefit going to households making over $1 million a year." [Committee for a Responsible Federal budget]

Read about it... at the Daily Wire.

President Trump says this bill is "Dead on Arrival."

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