Monday, May 25, 2020

What the Hell is wrong with the New York Times?

New York Times Targets US Military with 'White Supremacy' Accusations on Memorial Day Weekend

Hit pieces are the norm at the NYT but on Memorial Day weekend too? Now it's beyond President Trump and the normal (if any can be "normal") left-wing crazy opinion pieces.

The paper decided to do a disgusting fake news hit piece on our nation’s military, pandering for the Black vote by interjecting racism.

Read about it...


  1. Whoever wrote that probably never was in the military. There is zero racism in our military/

  2. It was written two days ago.

    Did you look at Trump's tweets today on this most reverent of American holidays? ALL of them?

  3. There you go again...who cares when this was written? And no, I am not that obsessed to follow all of the president's tweets as you seem to be...only to find fault, of course.
    What did you do for Memorial Day?

  4. When I went to school in the fifties, Communists were reviled. America made millions wealthy and happy before Socialism was embraced by Sanders and the overpaid teachers in American colleges.
    I stopped reading The New York Times and Time Magazine years ago but am amazed at how anti -American they have become .Socialist Sanders gave his wife cash from his campaign funds and bought a third house for his 2 person family. Socialist???
    And now the Wuhan virus sent to the entore world when they could have contained.
    The world now knows again what we learned about Communism 60 years ago.

  5. The day becomes relevant when you state "Hit pieces are the norm at the NYT but on Memorial Day too."...and it wasn't published on Memorial Day.

    I hung my flag yesterday and took a trip across town to the cemetery to place a flag on my father's grave. He fought in Viet Nam.

    Thanks for asking.

  6. What the article said was "Memorial Day Weekend."
    You seem to get offended at everything.
    Most everyone alive would understand it but you.
    The point is--the New York Times is fake news today. So sad what happened to what was once a fine newspaper that had journalists with integrity.

  7. Gosh, you just won't shut up.
    Hit pieces are the norm at the NYT. This piece was done over Memorial Day Weekend. So, a couple of days you are bitching about? LOL Get a life.

  8. While I usually don't like to jump into these online spats, I think the reader's point about Trump's behavior this past weekend is something I can agree with. I'm embarrassed by his tweeting and I cringe every time I remember how he has publicly criticized some very honorable veterans. Purple Heart holders, men who are served our country and those who have died for it don't deserve to be publicly attacked for their politics especially by someone who has never served. It's sickening for me.

    I agree that one or two days don't make a whole lot of difference with the article.

  9. @10:29... to remind you, this blog is NOT for anti-Trumpers to get their "digs."
    President Trump is serving this nation right now, not even taking a salary...just to remind you.
    I'm not going to get into your allegations but I would appreciate it if you would stick to the subject of the blog about the New York Times Fake news and not use it as an excuse to knock Trump.
    No one gives a hot fig that you are embarrassed about his tweets. And anyone with a reasonable sense of justice would understand why he tweets to his constituents and to the American people.

  10. Hello.

    I think you have a lot of readers who don't like to comment because they get yelled at if you don't agree with them. I'm not sure why there can't be civil disagreements anymore. It only seems like there's yelling. I'm going to get yelled at but I just want to say that it's okay not to like every single thing that Trump, or any president, does. And it's okay to say you disagree. I voted for Trump in 2016 because I wasn't going to vote for Hillary but I've been disappointed by Trump's behavior and conduct. I won't vote for him again.

    Sorry if my opinion is so upsetting to you. I'm just one tired, old guy who still has opinions.

    So go ahead and yell at me now.

  11. As said, this blog is about the New York Times.
    No one cares if your little feelings get hurt by Trump tweets, etc.
    This is a conservative blog so expect what you get as a retort.
    Who are you going to vote for? Biden? You say you are an old guy...usually people get wiser with age.
