Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"We think we will be able to deliver it as a shot."

This interview was done near the end of March--

Pandemic Scientist Says His Team Found Cure for COVID-19


  1. Big deal. A "cure" for something that isn't even a problem. Less than 1 in 100 people catch this thing and we're getting all excited about a "cure." It's nothing more than a bad flu and if we weren't bamboozled by the media we would be treating it like it was. We're coming up on 100,000 people killed in the last 100 days. That's like 2 or 3 years of car deaths and do we outlaw driving? C'mon people. Use your heads.

  2. It's apples and oranges. You choose to get in a car. You don't choose to be infected with a virus. With that said, I agree 100% that the American people were the victim of a politically weaponized media and big Pharma/globalist reps that represented themselves as impartial "medical experts".

  3. Gates said, I quote exactly from his speech:

    “if we do a good job on vaccines, health and reproduction, we can reduce the world population by 10-15%.

    Only a genocide can save the world.”
