Could it have been the Flu all along?

CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for Covid

Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and Covid Virus

"After December 31, 2021, the CDC will withdraw the emergency use authorization of the PCR test for COVID-19 testing.

The CDC finally admitted the test does not differentiate between the flu and COVID virus.

This explains the disappearance of Flu cases in the US in 2020. It also inflated the COVID cases as Dr. Fauci and the DC elites knew would happen".

Of course, the CDC says the low amount of flu cases is due to mask wearing and social distancing.


When it comes to China, democracy dies in dollar signs?

Washington Post-Amazon in bed with Chinese

"A new investigative report from Reuters found that the Post's owners at Amazon are partners in a propaganda project with Communist China.

Reuters began by revealing that Amazon knuckled under and banned reader reviews on its Chinese website so no one could critique a collection of speeches by Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. This was "part of a deeper, decade-long effort by the company to win favor in Beijing to protect and grow its business in one of the world's largest marketplaces."

Amazon partnered with China's propaganda makers to create a selling portal on the company's U.S. site,, a project that came to be known as China Books. The key operative on this project is Jay Carney, the former press secretary for Barack Obama and Joe Biden who is now the global head of Amazon's lobbying and public policy operations. To gain access to the Chinese boodle, they'll put communist propaganda on global display."

Read this incredible article

Join the Army or Go to Jail says Florida Senator

Florida Lawmaker Seeks To Bring Back “Army Or Jail” Option For Criminals

In the past, criminals have sometimes had the option to join the military to avoid jail time. A Florida Senator has filed a bill that would make this option available to anyone under the age of 25 who is facing fewer than 4 years of jail time – with some caveats of course.

The bill would only apply under the following conditions:
“the offender has not been convicted of an offense or, if the offender has prior convictions, is not a habitual felony offender, a habitual violent felony offender, or a violent career criminal.”
Read about it...

Read the bill

Dr. Fauci--highly compensated in Salary and Retirement

It pays to take a government job but this is really out of this world!

Fauci's government pension would be largest in US history at $350,000-plus per year

"If octogenarian COVID-19 czar Anthony Fauci ever decides to retire, he should have plenty of income to enjoy what's left of his golden years.

The doctor will be making at least $350,000 per year after he leaves his job as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health. Fauci could have retired in 2005 but stayed in his job, which is now paying $434,312 a year, the highest of any federal employee, including President Joe Biden."

Read about the good doctor

My insurance company says we are in a High Risk area

One of the insurance companies we contract with at our Condo Association insures us for liability and crime. We have been with them for decades.

I just received a notice of non-renewal. Why? They say they are "no longer a market for habitational risks were the crime score rating is High or Very high."

We have no crime out here. We have never filed a claim.

So, Lake Worth, we keep getting told that crime is down. Is it possible they lumped suburban Lake Worth into the City of Lake Worth Beach? I thought by voting to change the name of our city that crimes would cease being attibuted to us, at least that is what you told us.

Click to read--

The "Dean Scream" is what did him in

Liberal LOSER Howard Dean: ‘Trump Is Jim Jones’

His Followers ‘Are Going to Pay’ With Their Lives

Pay with my life??????

Howard Dean is the nut job who is well remembered for the Dean Scream.

The left ALWAYS blames the right for doing exactly what they are doing and this is no different. Former President Trump and those who believe in him are NOT the ones out destroying freedoms, NOT the ones pushing a racial Marxist CRT and NOT the ones creating a NEW America under their dictatorship of hate.

Read about it... Does anyone believe a Democrat today? Their latest lying message that they've been pushing is that Republicans belong to an evil cult.

Five Bravest Journalists in 2021

Profiles In Courage: The Five Bravest Journalists Of 2021

  • Chris Cuomo: Bravery in Covering for Your Brother, Whose Deviant Proclivities You Share
  • Jake Tapper: Bravery in Being More Partisan Than the Elected Democrats You Interview
  • Chris Wallace: Bravery in Admitting You’re Not So Objective After All
  • Jeffrey Toobin: Bravery in Taking Marvin Gaye Too Literally
  • Joy Reid: Bravery in Being Unafraid of Labels Like ‘Sane,’ ‘Rational,’ or ‘Reasonable’

Read all the reasons... from the Federalist

Democrats ARE the threat to our Democracy

Vice President Kamala Harris Explains What The Biggest Threat To The U.S. Has Been

In a Sunday interview with Margaret Brennen on Face The Nation, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the biggest security challenge facing the U.S. is the nation’s democracy.

Harris also discussed national security, with Brennan asking the Vice President, “What do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.? What is the thing that worries you and keeps you up at night?” Harris replied, “Frankly, one of them is our democracy. And that I can talk about because that’s not classified.


The Left is clueless about democracy.

"The left doesn't care about American democracy. It only hoists up the banner of protecting democracy when it suits leftists' lust for power. And that's what leftists understand: politics is about power, and they are never afraid to wield power when they have it. Even when they don't have it, they are willing to fight tooth and nail to gain it — through force or the ballot box.

Leftists, when they rampage through cities, destroy private property, and storm state legislatures, claim that this is "democracy in action." Liberals always give cover to their own and excuse the vandalism and barbarism of their fellow travelers who "have their heart in the right place," while people on the right always denounces itself while self-flagellating, at the same time hoping to appear acceptable by people who otherwise hate them and will continue to hate them even after death." [americanthinker]

Doctor, critical of vaccine mandates & corruption, canceled by Twitter

Twitter Suspends Key mRNA Vaccine Contributor Dr. Robert Malone

Dr. Robert Malone, a key contributor to mRNA vaccine technology and an outspoken critic of COVID-19 mandates and rules, was suspended by Twitter.

“Over a half million followers gone in a blink of an eye. That means I must have been on the mark, so to speak,” he wrote on Dec. 29. “Over the target. It also means we lost a critical component in our fight to stop these vaccines being mandated for children and to stop the corruption in our governments, as well as the medical-industrial complex and pharmaceutical industries.”

Read about Dr. Malone

Durham's criminal inquiries into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation

It’s Official, Hillary Is Under Investigation For Coup

Special Counsel John Durham told a judge that his investigation is now looking into the actions of people within the 2016 Hillary campaign. He seemed to be quite disturbed that the indicted Igor Danchenko was using the same law firm as members of the Hillary campaign.

The reason why is obvious.

The investigation was focused on Igor Danchenko and the five charges of lying that he has been charged with. But, now the investigation has moved to the Hillary campaign, quite possibly because some of them may have had connections to Danchenko.

Michael Sussmann has also been indicted for lying to the FBI about a connection between Trump and Russia’s Alpha Bank. It has been rumored that several of the lies in the Steele dossier came from the Hillary campaign.

In May 2019, William Barr appointed Durham to oversee a DOJ probe into the origins of the FBI investigation into Russian interference. Is this ever going to be wrapped up?

Read about it...

Biden Capulates to Iran

Biden Admin Waives Sanctions on Iran as Nuclear Talks Restart

Has Biden EVER made a good decision? EVER?

Biden did not notify Congress for 10 days of the waiver

"The timing of the waiver notification—which was signed Nov. 19 but not transmitted to Congress until Nov. 29, the day nuclear negotiations resumed—has prompted accusations the Biden administration is offering concessions to Tehran to generate goodwill as talks aimed at securing a revamped version of the 2015 nuclear deal restart following a months-long standoff."

Projecting strength is Biden's top weakness. "This is just another unfortunate example of projecting weakness and deference at a time when the U.S. needs to build leverage and project strength."

Read about it...

Maybe Biden will allow Texas to have unused Wall Material

Trump’s Wall Just Got A Second Life

Texas Could Receive Tons Of Biden’s Unused Material For Its Border Barrier

When Joe Biden entered the White House, he immediately halted construction on the southern border barrier. “Trump’s Wall” project wasn’t allowed to continue.

Since that time, however, unregistered immigration numbers have skyrocketed, and border officials have provided disturbing reports. Some of these reports say we’re losing complete control of the situation.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has begged for help from the Biden administration throughout most of 2021. Having received little or nothing in the way of assistance, Abbott has taken matters into his own hands.

Texas MIGHT get the benefit of unsused wall material But don't bet money on it. You are dealing with federal government incompetence. Materials like wall panels, lighting, cameras, and electrical wiring could ultimately be used in Texas’new border barrier.

Disney Kowtows to China

Disney+ channel launches in Hong Kong, without the Simpsons Tiananmen Square episode

"Disney caved in to Chinese censorship so fast it looks like Xi Jinping is holding Mickey Mouse hostage or something.

South Carolina’s Jeff Duncan typed up a letter to say what several high powered conservative lawmakers, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dan Crenshaw and Debbie Lesko were all thinking. The coalition is concerned that China might be holding something over the company’s head to blackmail them into compliance. If that’s not the answer, then they’re demanding CEO Bob Chapek explain why the American company was so eager to help China save face that they would voluntarily censor a controversial episode of 'The Simpsons.'”

Turncoat Disney Is Sickeningly Groveling To Communist China Again!

Landmark Communications of Atlanta, Georgia

Landmark is allegedly involved in helping Democrats get elected while pretending to be part of the Republican Party.

Released from the Georgia Record:
Unfortunately, Landmark has a history of helping Democrats get elected running as Republicans. This phenomenon may have contributed to the absolute cesspool of corruption in the Peach State when it comes to the performance of Republican officials during the 2020 election cycle. Some of these candidates have ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

We believe there has been a concerted effort among Democrat operatives to do just that – infiltrate the GOP and run ‘progressives’ as Republicans, who are lying about their beliefs and views on the issues. All of the information below is from publicly available information.

Jan 6 Select Committee given Trump documents

Trump spokesman says he gave 1,700 pages of documents to Capitol riot committee

A spokesperson for Donald Trump has said that he has cooperated extensively with a committee investigating the 6 January Capitol protest.

Taylor Budowich filed a lawsuit in federal court in the District of Columbia on Friday in which he claimed to have produced more than 1,700 pages of documents and provided about four hours of sworn testimony to the House of Representatives select committee.

At a recent deposition, he answered questions about the financing and planning of a speech by the former president to his supporters that preceded the violence.

Read more... Now the Jan 6 Select Committee (all Democrats and/or anti-Trumpers) is coming after Mr. Budowich's financials.

White House hangs up on Senator Rick Scott

White House Hangs Up on Sen Rick Scott After Calling for Help on One Crucial Matter

"Senator Rick Scott recently called the White House to talk to Joe Biden about a prisoner who is being tortured while in prison but the line went dead!

José Daniel Ferrer is a human rights activist and the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), one of the island nation’s most prominent opposition groups against the Communist Cuban regime.and he is being tortured in a Cyban prison!

Don’t forget that this current regime (Biden, not Cuba) is one that doesn’t answer questions, it doesn’t listen to what people have to say, it just does what it wants and that’s all it was every going to do and all that it will ever do."

Read about it...

The Election Corruption in Georgia

Lawsuit Reveals 2020 Absentee Ballot Results in Fulton County Were PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE

Files Were Modified

Fulton County was one of the biggest problems with the entire election. We saw the shift from President Trump dominating the red state, to actually go blue for the first time in nearly 30 years.

Read about it... and how a lawsuit has exposed the corruption.

United States rapidly descending into Socialism under Biden

Trump Knew ‘100 Percent’ He Was ‘Fighting for the Little Guy’

"According to Kevin Hassett, an economist who was Trump’s top economic adviser during the initial years of the Trump administration, "Former President Donald Trump pursued policies that fought against a drift into socialism and culminated in an 'absolute success story for the little guy.'"

The Trump administration pursued policies that cut taxes and regulations, changing the U.S. economy for the better, Hassett told Crossroads, adding that during the years he served in the Trump administration, 'income inequality dropped sharply for the first time since World War Two, wages grew faster for people in the bottom 10 percent of the wage distribution than for people at the top, as did wealth.'"

Read more... about it and the need of Democrats to seize control of the our society. The Swamp was just too deep for one great president to solve but Trump hasn't given up.

The silly "Woke" Corporate World

State Farm has replaced White Jake

If you have noticed, and I am sure that you have, State Farm is there for you, they tell us!

Corporate America is replacing white people in their ads to Black guys or mix race couples. It is all so stupid and it's not just State Farm.

Meet the new Jake--The old commercial and the new

Burckle Place Residents Celebrating Holidays

Burckle Place in Lake Worth Beach houses homeless women

Burckle Place, located on S. J Street in Lake Worth Beach, is the only supportive housing program in Palm Beach County designed exclusively for single homeless women. It is part of The Lord’s Place housing program.

According to the Lord's Place, the program’s structure prioritizes education and skill-building and empowers each woman to develop the confidence and means to live independently.

Read about it...

Mob attacks Police Officer at Miami Airport

Police Officer Forced to Draw on Mob After Massive Fight at Airport

"In Miami: a massive brawl broke out and people were fighting a police officer. The officer was actually forced to pull out his side arm to stop the mob from attacking him. People seriously have zero respect for police, their lives, or the lives of others anymore.

And as usual, there are trashy people around who are just wanting to video the event to get their 15 minutes of fame on World Star instead of being good humans and trying to stop the violence from taking place. If the man would have gotten shot, they would have cried racism and that he didn’t have to shoot him, all the while, they just sat back and watched it all unfold."

Read about it...

I agree with the police officer's actions.

Sugarplums and massive debt blocked by Manchin

'The Squad' Rages as Manchin All But Kills Build Back Better

"Twas the days before Christmas with Build Back Better dead; when gaggles of liberals called for Joe Manchin’s head. To Twitter they dashed, their invective to flow; Because one Democrat boldly stood up and said no."

The Mad Squad, all socialists who hate America, as well as every Democrat in Congress, are pissed!

Read about it...

Trump supporter nearly Beaten to Death on Jan 6

VIDEO Shows Pelosi’s Goons Nearly Beat Female Trump Supporter To Death

Victoria White from Rochester, Minnesota attended the Stop the Steal rally in DC on January 6th, 2021. She was later arrested for the attack on the Capitol, but she was the one who was attacked and her lawyer has released a video that proves she was the attacked and not the attacker. Capitol police attacked her with their batons after she got pushed into the tunnel and then tried to get back out.

Read about this atrocity and the other side of this story

Transgender has inherent advantage over women swimmers

USA Swimming Official Quits Over Trans Swimmer Competing Against Women

USA Swimming official Cynthia Millen has resigned in protest over the participation of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas in women’s competitions, saying in the resignation letter she can’t back a sport that allows “biological men to compete against women.”

The resignation letter to USA Swimming indicates that Millen, who has been involved in the sport for some 30 years, resigned on Dec. 17.

We're all going to awaken one day and find out this has been all a bad joke.

Read about it...

Democrats' Heads in the Sand

Head in the sand on just about everything! Zero leadership.

Democrats Launch Cover-up as 20 Percent of COVID Funds Stolen by Russia and China

Republicans in Congress are demanding answers after the Biden administration admitted 20 percent of COVID-19 relief funds were stolen by fraudsters backed by foreign governments, with Russia and China pocketing most of the loot.

40 percent or more of the $700 billion spent on pandemic-related unemployment benefits were lost to fraud, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Republican members reveal. In all, $175 billion to foreign fraudsters.  $140 billion of that, 20 percent of the overall amount spent by the U.S. government, was stolen by theft rings backed by foreign governments.

How in the hell does something like this happen?

So far, House Democrats have refused to hold hearings on the billions in theft by Russian and Chinese officials.

Read about it...

SCOTUS to hear Oral Arguments on Biden's Vaccine Mandates

Supreme Court to Take Up Challenges to Biden’s Vaccine Mandates

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear oral arguments on challenges to the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

In an announcement on Wednesday, the nation’s highest federal court said it would  take up two separate disputes challenging the Biden administration’s mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees, and for some 17 million health care workers at facilities receiving Medicaid and Medicare funding.

Read about it... Oral arguments to be heard on January 7.

Armed assault on our major street in Lake Worth Beach

What the hell next?



Incident #: 21141846
600 BLOCK LAKE AVE  |  12/26/2021 @ 1:13 AM
Palm Beach County Sheriff

Reverse Discrimination--White Guy wins Lawsuit

Jury Awards White Male Executive $10M, Holding Employer Responsible For Discrimination

The only thing I have to say is, "It's about time."

"Every once in a while I am surprised by a decision coming out of a courtroom.

A federal jury has awarded David Duvall, a former executive with Novant Health, a North Carolina-based health care system, $10 million for his wrongful termination due to his race and gender.

In today’s culture of mandated diversity quotas and equity, this decision is unusual considering the fact that the plaintiff is a white male who claimed he was discriminated against as part of the company’s enhanced ‘diversity program."

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act applied

Matt Gaetz at Turning Point USA Convention

Rep. Matt Gaetz Discusses President Trump’s Plans for Potential Speaker of the House Run

Turning Point USA held a massive convention and thousands of people showed up.

In fact, there were more people at this one event than there were at all of Joe Biden’s events combined while he was on the campaign trail.

There was something very interesting that was discussed between Rep. Matt Gaetz and Jordan Conradson in an interview.

Read the interview...

PBSO stop Stolen Car in Lake Worth Beach

Gun discharges as deputies try to stop stolen car in Lake Worth Beach

"The Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office arrested two suspects in a stolen car in Lake Worth Beach.

A gun accidentally discharged during the incident, but no one was hurt.

This all happened as a PBSO task force tried to stop the car on 10th Avenue North and D Street, just after 10 a.m. on Friday.

Deputies initially thought the suspects fired on authorities. But investigators said the gun accidentally went off as the suspects tried to hide it." [WPEC-Channel 12]

Merry Christmas from our Great Governor




On behalf of my wife Casey, myself and Florida’s First Family, we would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!




As our family spends time together enjoying the holiday season, the love and outpouring of support you have shown us has been one of the greatest gifts of all. This is truly the most wonderful time of year, celebrating the miracle of Christmas.

As we continue to forge the path for the rest of the nation, we have the opportunity this upcoming year to secure Florida’s future for our children and many generations of Floridians.

We wish you many blessings and hope you are enjoying time well spent with loved ones.

 God bless you and God bless the great state of Florida!


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Ron DeSantis


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Paid by Ron DeSantis, Republican, for Governor