Tuesday, December 28, 2021

United States rapidly descending into Socialism under Biden

Trump Knew ‘100 Percent’ He Was ‘Fighting for the Little Guy’

"According to Kevin Hassett, an economist who was Trump’s top economic adviser during the initial years of the Trump administration, "Former President Donald Trump pursued policies that fought against a drift into socialism and culminated in an 'absolute success story for the little guy.'"

The Trump administration pursued policies that cut taxes and regulations, changing the U.S. economy for the better, Hassett told Crossroads, adding that during the years he served in the Trump administration, 'income inequality dropped sharply for the first time since World War Two, wages grew faster for people in the bottom 10 percent of the wage distribution than for people at the top, as did wealth.'"

Read more... about it and the need of Democrats to seize control of the our society. The Swamp was just too deep for one great president to solve but Trump hasn't given up.


  1. Without looking it up, can you even describe what socialism is, Lynn? Or how it differs from communism and Marxism?

  2. Why don't you look it up as you seem to like what Biden is doing to our country under it.
    I invite you to read Mark Levin's book, American Marxism.

  3. Oh, you're so smart, @8:55. It's the study of social just like Marxism is the study of Marx. Everybody but you knows that. Lynn would tell you all about it but you're a big waste of time. Why would she answer a "gotch you" question like that? She's way too smart for you. LOL.

  4. I think Socialism would be preferable to Anarchy.

  5. You think @9:56? Well, study the American Revolution the world’s first federal democratic republic founded on the consent of the governed. Tell it to George Washington, Abigail Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson.

  6. What is it you're trying to say? Why don't you read Aristotle, Livy, "The Prince" for that matter?

    Who do you think Jefferson, et.al. based this government on?

    Do you think they were stupid?

  7. @9:50...the Prince?
    Our founding fathers based its system of government on the principles of equality, freedom, majority rule, etc. not immoral means to achieve that end.

  8. My suggestion to you, Lynn, is that you read the 600 page book of letters, unedited, between Adams and Jefferson.

  9. Don't Democrats see what is happening to this country with their socialist policies? the world sees it.
