Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The Election Corruption in Georgia

Lawsuit Reveals 2020 Absentee Ballot Results in Fulton County Were PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE

Files Were Modified

Fulton County was one of the biggest problems with the entire election. We saw the shift from President Trump dominating the red state, to actually go blue for the first time in nearly 30 years.

Read about it... and how a lawsuit has exposed the corruption.


  1. Justice delayed is Justice Denied. By the time the truth is exposed, that TRUMP WON, Biden will have finished his term.

  2. If Trump had won Fulton County, he would have won the election, easy as that. There were at least 2 million fraudulent ballots sent in, according to what I've been reading. But each ballot really represents 3 votes when you figure how they would have been counted and tabulated which mean 6 MILLION more votes for Trump. He was down 5 million so he, in fact, won by 1 million! Trump is still our President!
