Tuesday, December 28, 2021

White House hangs up on Senator Rick Scott

White House Hangs Up on Sen Rick Scott After Calling for Help on One Crucial Matter

"Senator Rick Scott recently called the White House to talk to Joe Biden about a prisoner who is being tortured while in prison but the line went dead!

José Daniel Ferrer is a human rights activist and the leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), one of the island nation’s most prominent opposition groups against the Communist Cuban regime.and he is being tortured in a Cyban prison!

Don’t forget that this current regime (Biden, not Cuba) is one that doesn’t answer questions, it doesn’t listen to what people have to say, it just does what it wants and that’s all it was every going to do and all that it will ever do."

Read about it...


  1. Biden should call Rick "Crying Rick Scott."

  2. FJB! We never should have been thrown Pedophile Joe.

  3. I like Rick Scott. I voted for him. However, I am for letting other countries run their own affairs.

    This meddling in other countries, trying to push democracy down their throats, is not working very well for us anymore. It's time we got our own house in order.

    Imagine a country with a murder rate like we have, telling other countries how to live. It's laughable.

    Like Scott or not, he's just pandering to the Cuban community with this one.

  4. I don’t think he’s pandering at all.

  5. If Rick Scott got Kim Kardasian to call Creepy Joe he'd probably take the bait. All politicians pander - so what else is new?

  6. Former Governor and now Senator, Rick Scott is NOT a Democrat. You are getting your parties and people mixed up.

  7. Rick Scott got vaccinated.

    He is a demonrat. Real Republicans don't take the Fauci juice.
