Friday, December 31, 2021

When it comes to China, democracy dies in dollar signs?

Washington Post-Amazon in bed with Chinese

"A new investigative report from Reuters found that the Post's owners at Amazon are partners in a propaganda project with Communist China.

Reuters began by revealing that Amazon knuckled under and banned reader reviews on its Chinese website so no one could critique a collection of speeches by Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. This was "part of a deeper, decade-long effort by the company to win favor in Beijing to protect and grow its business in one of the world's largest marketplaces."

Amazon partnered with China's propaganda makers to create a selling portal on the company's U.S. site,, a project that came to be known as China Books. The key operative on this project is Jay Carney, the former press secretary for Barack Obama and Joe Biden who is now the global head of Amazon's lobbying and public policy operations. To gain access to the Chinese boodle, they'll put communist propaganda on global display."

Read this incredible article

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