Friday, December 31, 2021

Join the Army or Go to Jail says Florida Senator

Florida Lawmaker Seeks To Bring Back “Army Or Jail” Option For Criminals

In the past, criminals have sometimes had the option to join the military to avoid jail time. A Florida Senator has filed a bill that would make this option available to anyone under the age of 25 who is facing fewer than 4 years of jail time – with some caveats of course.

The bill would only apply under the following conditions:
“the offender has not been convicted of an offense or, if the offender has prior convictions, is not a habitual felony offender, a habitual violent felony offender, or a violent career criminal.”
Read about it...

Read the bill


  1. It's a Democratic senator who wants to do this. It's a stupid idea but I would expect that from a Democrat.

  2. Training a bad guy in the military to protect our people from bad guys--Perfecting his skills--sounds like a plan.

  3. There must be something else they could do than have them join the Military. This is an invitation to disaster. Most criminals are also drug-users, and mental deficients. It's not 80 years ago.

    How about putting them on a chain gang. There is plenty of work to do, and who better to clean up the streets, than the crooks who made a mess of them.
