Thursday, December 30, 2021

My insurance company says we are in a High Risk area

One of the insurance companies we contract with at our Condo Association insures us for liability and crime. We have been with them for decades.

I just received a notice of non-renewal. Why? They say they are "no longer a market for habitational risks were the crime score rating is High or Very high."

We have no crime out here. We have never filed a claim.

So, Lake Worth, we keep getting told that crime is down. Is it possible they lumped suburban Lake Worth into the City of Lake Worth Beach? I thought by voting to change the name of our city that crimes would cease being attibuted to us, at least that is what you told us.

Click to read--


  1. I think we are being told crime is down, but the fact is, crime MUST be up.

    Have you seen the shootings this past month? Car theft? Assault?

    With socialist doing as they please, and people looking away when crime is committed, it only increases their desire to become criminals. Time to rethink our strategy.

  2. It all goes by zip code. Even Health Insurance!
