Monday, December 27, 2021

Trump supporter nearly Beaten to Death on Jan 6

VIDEO Shows Pelosi’s Goons Nearly Beat Female Trump Supporter To Death

Victoria White from Rochester, Minnesota attended the Stop the Steal rally in DC on January 6th, 2021. She was later arrested for the attack on the Capitol, but she was the one who was attacked and her lawyer has released a video that proves she was the attacked and not the attacker. Capitol police attacked her with their batons after she got pushed into the tunnel and then tried to get back out.

Read about this atrocity and the other side of this story


  1. "Pelosi's goons"

    Back the Blue!

    I've never met a group of people so willing and ready to play "the victim" than big-talking, chest -thumpin' MAGA.

    Y'all a bunch of simpering wimps.

  2. Sorry, Lynn, but @7:59 is right.
    You called the Capitol police "Pelosi's Goons".
    The Capitol Police.

  3. When Democrats charge up the US Capitol steps, beat the hell out of the blue, rappel onto the Senate floor and go looking for our elected representatives in order to overturn an election, call me, you fools.

    Until then, realize what you've become as a party. Keep challenging America's democracy, MAGA. C'mon. We're more than ready for ya.

  4. I understand the doors to the Capitol are opened from a remote location inside the building.
    Pelosi wanted to create chaos and refused requests for more National Guard. Agent provocateurs were there to create chaos and violence to blame our President Donald Trump so Pelosi could set up the illegal non select committee.

  5. January 6th is so passe'. Can't you come up with some new grievance.

    It's boring already!

  6. @5:04...LOL. THAT'S why the Dems have a Jan 6 Select Partisan Committee to CONVICT anyone and everyone they possibly can.
    I will continue on with it when appropriate.
