Thursday, December 30, 2021

Democrats ARE the threat to our Democracy

Vice President Kamala Harris Explains What The Biggest Threat To The U.S. Has Been

In a Sunday interview with Margaret Brennen on Face The Nation, Vice President Kamala Harris stated that the biggest security challenge facing the U.S. is the nation’s democracy.

Harris also discussed national security, with Brennan asking the Vice President, “What do you see is the biggest national security challenge confronting the U.S.? What is the thing that worries you and keeps you up at night?” Harris replied, “Frankly, one of them is our democracy. And that I can talk about because that’s not classified.


The Left is clueless about democracy.

"The left doesn't care about American democracy. It only hoists up the banner of protecting democracy when it suits leftists' lust for power. And that's what leftists understand: politics is about power, and they are never afraid to wield power when they have it. Even when they don't have it, they are willing to fight tooth and nail to gain it — through force or the ballot box.

Leftists, when they rampage through cities, destroy private property, and storm state legislatures, claim that this is "democracy in action." Liberals always give cover to their own and excuse the vandalism and barbarism of their fellow travelers who "have their heart in the right place," while people on the right always denounces itself while self-flagellating, at the same time hoping to appear acceptable by people who otherwise hate them and will continue to hate them even after death." [americanthinker]


  1. Y'all have tried to overturn an election by storming our US Capitol building and still have yet to accept that Trump got his ass beat by 5 million votes.

    Almost every day you read about a right wing terrorist plotting to kill our elected representatives.

    But, yeah...twist the VP's words around to make it seem otherwise. If that's all y'all got, it's pathetic.

  2. Wow--too much CNN there, anonymous! Social media and MSM are controlling y'all and all liberals. They are brainwashing them how to think and how to speak. That’s why you see trending topics in social media being mostly “liberal” headlines. It’s why social media like FB and twitter are trying to fight alternative news sites by calling them “fake news”. Ya know, sites like FOX News, Breitbart, the Drudge Report, etc. It is why FB and twitter are trying their best to censor conservatives.
    They sure got to you!

  3. 8.57 at least i [a republican] can walk around with my head high and can sleep at night with a clear see some of us try ro help ALL THE PEOPLE not your certain groups.i just wonder how many of you bitching pay taxes or just get everything FREE.for talking the way you do

  4. ha 8.57 lynn is right. January 6 was a fbi operation that used antifa to give the impression that trump supporters are america's enemy and to create more anger toward them. it worked, didn't it. and now all those antifa people are getting convicted and going to jail. didn't work out the way they thought, right?

    stop listening to cnn, 8.57. i get my news from my facebook friends and they have never let me down

  5. FBI was there too...Why hasn't Ray Ebbs been arrested?

  6. Yes, that's a good idea: Listen to your Facebook Friends!
