Monday, December 27, 2021

Mob attacks Police Officer at Miami Airport

Police Officer Forced to Draw on Mob After Massive Fight at Airport

"In Miami: a massive brawl broke out and people were fighting a police officer. The officer was actually forced to pull out his side arm to stop the mob from attacking him. People seriously have zero respect for police, their lives, or the lives of others anymore.

And as usual, there are trashy people around who are just wanting to video the event to get their 15 minutes of fame on World Star instead of being good humans and trying to stop the violence from taking place. If the man would have gotten shot, they would have cried racism and that he didn’t have to shoot him, all the while, they just sat back and watched it all unfold."

Read about it...

I agree with the police officer's actions.


  1. We actually have to begin to reform society.

    Perhaps some of the measures that China is taking to bring the Uyghurs in line, might be employed here.

    Without law and order, there is no society. No Civilization really. Before long, we will have to choose.

    Remember the words: "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

  2. @6:31...that's a wild thought.
    Let's just get more police protection.
    Get the liberals out of the schools.
    Vote in all Republicans.
