Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Durham's criminal inquiries into the origins and conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation

It’s Official, Hillary Is Under Investigation For Coup

Special Counsel John Durham told a judge that his investigation is now looking into the actions of people within the 2016 Hillary campaign. He seemed to be quite disturbed that the indicted Igor Danchenko was using the same law firm as members of the Hillary campaign.

The reason why is obvious.

The investigation was focused on Igor Danchenko and the five charges of lying that he has been charged with. But, now the investigation has moved to the Hillary campaign, quite possibly because some of them may have had connections to Danchenko.

Michael Sussmann has also been indicted for lying to the FBI about a connection between Trump and Russia’s Alpha Bank. It has been rumored that several of the lies in the Steele dossier came from the Hillary campaign.

In May 2019, William Barr appointed Durham to oversee a DOJ probe into the origins of the FBI investigation into Russian interference. Is this ever going to be wrapped up?

Read about it...

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