Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Disney Kowtows to China

Disney+ channel launches in Hong Kong, without the Simpsons Tiananmen Square episode

"Disney caved in to Chinese censorship so fast it looks like Xi Jinping is holding Mickey Mouse hostage or something.

South Carolina’s Jeff Duncan typed up a letter to say what several high powered conservative lawmakers, including Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Dan Crenshaw and Debbie Lesko were all thinking. The coalition is concerned that China might be holding something over the company’s head to blackmail them into compliance. If that’s not the answer, then they’re demanding CEO Bob Chapek explain why the American company was so eager to help China save face that they would voluntarily censor a controversial episode of 'The Simpsons.'”

Turncoat Disney Is Sickeningly Groveling To Communist China Again!

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