Sunday, December 26, 2021

Democrats' Heads in the Sand

Head in the sand on just about everything! Zero leadership.

Democrats Launch Cover-up as 20 Percent of COVID Funds Stolen by Russia and China

Republicans in Congress are demanding answers after the Biden administration admitted 20 percent of COVID-19 relief funds were stolen by fraudsters backed by foreign governments, with Russia and China pocketing most of the loot.

40 percent or more of the $700 billion spent on pandemic-related unemployment benefits were lost to fraud, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform’s Republican members reveal. In all, $175 billion to foreign fraudsters.  $140 billion of that, 20 percent of the overall amount spent by the U.S. government, was stolen by theft rings backed by foreign governments.

How in the hell does something like this happen?

So far, House Democrats have refused to hold hearings on the billions in theft by Russian and Chinese officials.

Read about it...

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