"Trump" House Targeted in Pennsylvania

Sound of Gunshots Towards ‘Trump House’

The ‘Trump House’ in Pennsylvania, painted top to bottom with stars and stripes, was the target of an attack Thursday night. police determined that the sound was actually rocks being thrown at a metal Trump sign.


Why You should Cast your Ballot in Person

There are way too many love-lifes out there--At least these guys were caught.

Two Men Caught 'Fishing' Ballots Out of Mailbox with Special Device, Police Say

Two Florida men have been arrested and charged with taking mail, including ballots, from a drop-off box.

The incident took place in Lighthouse Point in Broward County, where police became suspicious after a vehicle lingered near a post office around 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to WPLG-TV.

Read about it...

Useful Idiots

Peter Navarro — Hollywood and NBA ‘Useful Idiots’ for Chinese Communist Party

But “the bigger problem,” Navarro argued, “is they feed this narrative that somehow China’s authoritarian government and socialist-communist economic system is superior to ours.”

Navarro argued that NBA players “really turn an unconscionable blind eye to the abuses in Xinjiang Province,” rights abuses in Hong Kong, and “concentration camps” as well as the “abuses of the Falun Gong with the organ harvesting” of living people.


Navarro should have thrown in the entire Dempocrat Party.

Kamala will be in Lake Worth today

UPDATE: 11-1-20 WPTV and see the videos Very little mention of Trump supporters there which I understand were massive by those attending.

Kamala Harris will hold an event in Lake Worth today,

to urge all Florida voters to vote and emphasize the role Florida will play in the upcoming presidential election. She will be harping on what a "terrible job" Trump did on COVID so that she can instill more fear in the electorate especially older people. Covid-19 is their only platform, still blaming it on Trump rather than China..

President Trump will be at Opa-Locka Executive Airport, on Sunday, Nov. 1 at 11:30 p.m. for an airport rally. It will be his 5th and final stop of the day.

Read about it... as Trump is ahead in the latest polls! Where's Joe?

Joe Biden Unhinged

Biden LOSES IT At Rally

According to The Gateway Pundit, Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden turned heads at a campaign event in Coconut Creek, FL when he gingerly jogged onto the stage and began yelling about Cuba and Venezuela during his speech.

“Cuba is no closer to freedom and democracy today than it was four years ago,” the former Vice President barked.

Read about Crazy Joe

Who stole the Damning Biden Documents?

Tucker Receives Mysterious Message After Packet of Alleged Biden Docs Vanishes Into Thin Air

"In a monologue on Wednesday night, that’s sure to spark endless speculation, Carlson explained that while he was interviewing former Hunter Biden business partner-turned whistleblower Tony Bobulinski on Monday in Los Angeles, his show obtained a trove of documents with important information about the scandal."

Well, the package was opened and empty while in transit that was mailed through a well known national carrier.


"Left-wing Propaganda with Two Legs"

NYT’s Writer ‘Anonymous’ Leader Of The So Called Trump Resistance At White House BUSTED!

He’s A Low Level Millennial Punk

"The 2018, op-ed written in the New York Times said the President was “impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective” and said that he was just one of many officials in the administration working against the president.

His name is Miles Taylor and he was chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security under Kirstjen Nielsen. Taylor recently resigned from the administration took a job with Google (shocker), endorsed Joe Biden, campaigned against Trump, and is now a paid CNN contributor this fall."

Read more about the punk!

Shooting on South C Street

Incident #: 20121775
10/30/2020 @ 2:44 AM
Palm Beach County Sheriff

Dr. Scott Atlas on Biden's false claim on Covid

Dr. Scott Atlas demolishes Joe Biden's COVID lockdown claim

When Joe Biden claimed "no serious" doctor agrees with Dr. Scott Atlas' coronavirus strategy of loosening coronavirus restrictions for the healthy while protecting the vulnerable, the White House coronavirus adviser got the last word.

We all know that Joe Biden is counting on being elected as president of the United States by blaming Trump on the pandemic and instilling fear in the electorate. That's all he can talk about.

Read about it... and what Dr. Atlas had to say.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Vote NO on Amendment 3

 Not only is this Amendment opposed by Republicans, it is also opposed by the Democrat Party.

Read about it...

Another good article

Joe Biden's corrected Tax Return 2017

Oops, "I forgot to report $10 million." It's difficult to figure out this return with only one page.

"I work for God," Fraudster says!

James O'Keefe Confronts Raquel Rodriguez With Undercover Videos Showing Her ILLEGAL Voter Fraud

New York Post Endorses Trump

"The Post’s endorsement focuses heavily on Trump’s free market, deregulatory approach to the economy that created enormous growth and low unemployment prior to the pandemic, and promises to again. But also foreign policy, keeping us out of war and fostering once unthinkable deals between Israel and Arab nations in the Middle East."


Fentanyl Lab Seized in Mexico

Massive Fentanyl Lab In Mex. City Capable Of Processing 11,000 Pounds Of Raw Material At A Time

Capable of killing multi millions, the lab was discovered last week in a fake storefront advertising industrial cleaning products near Mexico City, according to CBS News. The storefront concealed a massive warehouse that contained 265-gallon tanks holding chemicals used to make synthetic fentanyl as well as other narcotics, per the AP.

Read about it...


Google still has not solved its video upload problem on my desktop computer!

President in Bullhead, Arizona

Thousands Cheer Trump in Arizona, While Barely 100 Greet Kamala

Trump Car Parade

Google still has not corrected its video upload problem.

Biden's Worst Nightmare as 7,000 Cars Show for Trump Parade in Vital Swing State

Massive Trump car parades are happening all over the country even at Biden gatherings! According to AZFamily.com, an estimated 7,000 vehicles showed up in the Phoenix suburb of Peoria on Sunday for what supporters in Arizona called “The Trump Train.”

Here is a typical Trump car parade in Lake Pleasant, AZ!

And Down Goes the Punk

Protester Sucker Punches Trump Supporter, Then Winds Up Flat On His Back

"What type of man punches a person from behind, then literally tries to run away? The answer, of course, is a future Joe Biden voter. These people are highly mentally disturbed."

Read and watch...

"Joe Biden is Lying to the American People"

Rep. Elise Stefanik Has Proof Joe Biden Is Lying To The American Public

The alleged Biden corruption reaches far beyond Ukraine, she went on to explain. However, social media and mainstream media outlets alike are working hard to suppress this.

New actions by Hunter found on laptop

New Text Messages Show Joe and Jill Biden Attempts to Suppress Son's Actions with Minor

"...there are some really deep issues here in that Hunter is not allowed to see some kid(s) without his father around and that even his own mom has threatened to call the police on him."

Read about it...

Criminals Destroy Phily & Brooklyn

Car Plows Through Police in Brooklyn, Widespread Damage

The loser criminal low lives are still up to it. Even in the city of Brotherly Love--1,000 Looters, Dozens of Injured Cops – PA Governor Called it a “Peaceful Protest.

What is Cuomo going to say about Brooklyn? He will just continue to shut down their economy and a 10,000 person wedding because of Covid.

How can a Democrat be elected for anything?

Read about Brooklyn and see the videos

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Hunter Biden confesses partnership with China 'spy chief'

Now, the first audio file has been released from the laptop that Hunter Biden purportedly abandoned at a Delaware repair shop.

Hear Hunter Biden audio

Read the article...

Nationalization of Local Police

UN Makes Secret, TERRIFYING Move To Control American Police Departments

This all started under Obama, a highly controversial practice by the Justice Department to effect a federal takeover of local police and corrections departments.

The consent decrees are already being implemented in Newark, New Jersey; Miami, Florida; Los Angeles, California; Ferguson, Missouri; Chicago, Illinois; and other municipalities.

Click here to read how it works.

Donald Trump Deserves Credit for his Extensive Achievements for Black community

CNN's Van Jones: Trump 'Does Not Get Enough Credit' for 'Good Stuff He Has Done for the Black Community'

“I think it’s really unfortunate because Donald Trump, and I get beat up by liberals every time I say it but I keep saying it, he has done good stuff for the black community,” Jones said Friday during a CNN panel discussion on “The Lead with Jake Tapper.

“Opportunity Zone stuff, black college stuff, I worked with him on criminal stuff, I saw Donald Trump have African-American people, formerly incarcerated, in the White House, embraced them, treated them well. There is a side to Donald Trump that I think he does not get enough credit for.”

Read about it...

Joe Biden has not forgotten; he is a first rate Liar

Joe Biden Claims That Trump Is ‘Coddling’ Terrorists, He Must Have Forgotten This…

"Biden claimed that President Trump hasn't been hard enough on terrorists and has been coddling them. Biden says that he'll be hard on terrorists.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi; top ISIS leader
Qassem Soleimani; Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force commander
Qasim al-Rimi; leader of Al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula
Abdelmalek Droukdel; head of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Magreb Hajji Taysir; senior ISIS leader
Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis; founder of the Kataeb Hezbollah, or Hezbollah Brigades
Abu Ali al-Janubi; ISIS’ senior media director
Hamza Bin Laden; Al Qaeda senior leader and son of Osama bin Laden
Abu Hasan al-Muhajir; top ISIS spokesperson
Asim Umar; head of al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent

Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Rebeccah Heinrichs summed it up perfectly.

There isn’t enough spin in the world to claim the Trump admin has “coddled terrorists.” He relaxed the ROE so that the military cld more effectively carry out a fast-tempo campaign. And the DoD rightly placed the blame for higher civilian casualties on ISIS."


Wes Blackman files Intent to Run for Mayor of Lake Worth (Beach)

Those who have declared their intent to run for Mayor are Betty Resch, Wes Blackman and incumbent, Mayor Pam Triolo.

The official time to get your name on the ballot is from November 24 through noon on December 8.

Rumer has it that Omari Hardy has been working behind the scenes to replace our dais.

Man Killed by Police in City of Brotherly Love

A number of police officers have been injured by a violent mob hurling rocks and bricks in Philadelphia.

Earlier in the day police officers gunned down a black man armed with a knife. The suspect refused to follow police orders to drop the weapon. When he came at the officers, they opened fire.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Black Lives Matter - A New Communist Movement?

Black Lives Matter Founder Has DEEP Ties to Terrorist, Including Obama’s Terrorist Buddy

The founders of the Black Lives Matter movement have admitted it, they are admitted Marxists.

For those who may not be sure what exactly a Marxist is, a Marxist is someone who is a supporter of the political and economic ideologies of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. In other words, they are hardcore Communists.

Read about it...

Radical Left will be in charge if Biden Wins

Radical Left Planning a White House Take Over If Joe Biden Wins Election

"...the radical left is just using him as a puppet to try and win the approval of the centrist Democrats. What they really want to happen is for Kamala Harris, who is as radical as they come to take over after Biden is elected (except that’s not going to happen). But it does seem like this is what they’re gunning for."

I think the radical Left (which is most of the Democrat party today) will be causing all sorts of havoc when President Trump is re-elected for four more years.


Biden doubled down on being a backchannel for Poroshenko of Ukraine

Biden Has Some Explaining To Do, Leaked Phone Call Has Just Landed Him In Hot Water

Biden is going to have some explaining to do after a phone call was just leaked between him and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko immediately after the 2016 presidential election. The phone shows that Biden attempted to sabotage the incoming Trump administration before Trump took office.

Read about it...

Biden Proud of Hunter

China Releases Video Of Hunter Biden Smoking Crack While Performing Sex Act

Read and see to understand who and why these videos were released.

"My son ... like a lot of people we know at home had a drug problem. He's overtaken it. He's fixed it. He's worked on it. And I'm proud of him."
~ Joe Biden

Hunter was easy to compromise & Giuliani was framed

Chinese Reporters Shocked After Hunter Biden Went to Beijing, Secretly Met with CCP Spy and Asked for Mansion and Women

A report out of Asia claims that Hunter Biden met with a CCP spy in Beijing and asked for millions for a house and for women.

October 21, Lude Media: Left-wing media framed Mayor Giuliani by manipulating video footage; Hunter Biden Secretly met with CCP (Chinese Communist Party) spy in Beijing and asked for billions of dollars for mansion and women!

At this point, is anyone surprised about the Bidens in general? Joe says he never got any money from China or elsewhere. He fails to mention the kick-back from Hunter.

And some Democrats I know are still voting for Biden. Why?

Democrats are F-ing Crazy

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT! Woman Arrested After Attempting to POISON President Trump

Carrying a gun when she was arrested, this nut job, who obviously has been empowered by the lame stream media and other subversives, sent an envelope to the White House containing ricin.

This barely has been mentioned in the Fake News and Lame News Media.

Have you ever noticed that the craziest are always liberal women?

Read about it...

Omari still causing waves even though he's no longer here!

Now it's Commissioner Robinson keeping the Omari Hardy antaqonism alive!

Lake Worth Beach shuts down discussion about replacing Omari Hardy on city commission

The commission already decided to address the vacancy after the qualifying deadline on December 8.

It has nothing to do with the "lack of transparency" that Commissioner Herman Robinson has alluded.

Robinson also says that District 2 will have no representation. False. Every commissioner elected in Lake Worth represents all of the people, not just those in their district, and every resident knows and understands this other than Robinson.

Read about it...

Microsoft Poll I took last night

Click to read--
The Microsoft News Poll uses online surveys, delivered to a random sample of likely voters, to produce statistically valid results. Each day we analyze 1,500 responses nationwide using tools from polling firm CivicScience. Microsoft Research then analyzes the results to model how demographic groups answered each question, based on age, gender, race, education, location, and party identification. Answers are then projected onto the estimated distribution of those demographic groups in the likely voting population. The method is as accurate as traditional polling methods.

Illegal Gang Members Murder Man in Sanctuary City

Four Illegal MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murdering 29-Year-Old

Montgomery County, Maryland has been well-known for its Sanctuary City status and its welcoming of MS-13 gang members and illegal aliens.

Four of the five MS-13 Gang members are illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UACs). The other gang member, likely a foreign national, may eventually be eligible for deportation.

Joe Biden approves of Sanctuary cities and wants to automatically give citizenship to the approximate 11 million illegals in this country. Some have estimated that the number is more like 20M to 30M.

We've seen way too much of this in our country. It is time to get rid of Sanctuary cities.

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled on Feb. 26 that the Department of Justice (DOJ) could withhold funding from cities and states that refuse to cooperate with the Trump administration's crackdown on undocumented immigrants. California's Federal Court of appeals took a different stand ruling that funds could not be withheld.

Read about it...

Concrete and Steel Wall - Acting CBP Commissioner Mark Morgan

As of Wednesday, CBP says 109 miles of the new border wall system has been built in the El Paso Sector, with 36 miles currently under construction.

Trump brokers Historic Peace Deal in Mid-East

President Donald J. Trump Brokers an Historic Peace Agreement Between Israel and Sudan

STRIKING ANOTHER HISTORIC AGREEMENT: President Donald J. Trump has brokered a peace agreement between Sudan and Israel – the third such agreement between Israel and an Arab-Muslim nation in less than three months.

Read about it...

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme - Rudy's Common Sense

In this special edition of Common Sense, Rudy Giuliani discusses the emails obtained from Hunter Biden’s hard drive which reveal Joe Biden lied about Burisma. This is only the tip of the iceberg, much more to come!

Trump Leading in Florida

Florida: Trump 49%, Biden 46%

President Trump holds a three-point lead over Democrat Joe Biden in Florida, a state that’s critical to whether or not the president is reelected.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey of Likely Voters in Florida finds Trump beating Biden 49% to 46%. Three percent (3%) like some other candidate, and another three percent (3%) are undecided.

Factor in those who haven’t made up their minds yet but are leaning toward one candidate or the other, and Trump gains another point, besting Biden 50% to 46%. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

And this was before his two rallies in Florida last night!

DOJ moves to Break-up Google

DOJ Moves To Break Up Google: ‘Most Important Antitrust Case In A Generation’

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will file an antitrust lawsuit against Google on Tuesday after conducting a lengthy investigation into the tech giant over alleged monopolistic behavior.

The lawsuit will allege that the tech giant has engaged in anticompetitive practices to protect its search and search-advertising businesses, sources identified only as senior DOJ officials told The Wall Street Journal.


New York Times Tries a Hit Piece on President Trump - Fails Bigly

New York Times Releases Another Garbage Hit Piece On President Trump

In Last Ditch Effort to Cover For Creepy and Corrupt Biden Family

The New York Times released a report that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, had a bank account in China. This effort to move the attention away from the Bidens’ many crimes related to China, Ukraine and other countries will not work.

There is no crime in having a bank account in any country on this Planet. In fact, Trump was pursing the idea of building a hotel and exploring the idea of business ventures in Asia 5 or 6 years ago.

Read about it...

Dems Throwing the Black Community under the bus

BLM Is Destroying Black America — Democrats Know And Don’t Care

When the election is over and BLM is forgotten for another 4 years, who is really sitting on the top of rubble that’s left of their policies? Which communities are going to suffer the most from defunded police departments, or the growing disrespect towards law enforcement? And why is it okay to toss the black community straight under the bus in order to score some political gain?

Read about it...

George Floyd didn't listen in 2019 either

Judge Orders Release of George Floyd's 2019 Arrest Video, Shows Similarity to 2020 Confrontation

Prosecutors had sought to keep the video from being seen by the public.

In 2019, Floyd would later admit to police that he was addicted to painkillers and that during the traffic stop he swallowed as many as eight Percocet pills, according to The Washington Post.

Just think, this character drug user was the cause of the most unbelievable destruction with protests, looting and fires that swept across Minneapolis and cities across the country. Now he is revered as someone who was subject to police brutality and four police officers are charged with various degrees of murder.

Everyone at the time, even some journalists that I feel are responsible, never mentioned anything about due process or "innocent until proven guilty," such as Sean Hannity. They all had the cops tried and convicted.

Time will tell.

Read about it...

Trump Endorsement in Flint, MI

VP of Flint, MI City Council Endorses Trump: “Mr. Trump would be the best thing for poor folks”

“Since President Trump was elected, Sec. of State Ben Carson brought over $30 million to the city of Flint,” adding, “Obama been here— he said our water is fine, you know—ain’t nothing wrong with drinking lead! And Mr. Trump tried to do something about that!”


Trump Ended 60 Minutes Interview with Leslie Stahl

Trump only gives "60 Minutes" a total of 45 minutes - He smelled a set-up

President also was slated to shoot a walk around the White House with VP Mike Pence. That did not happen. After the interview ended, the president took to Twitter announcing he may post his own version of the interview.

"I am pleased to inform you that, for the sake of accuracy in reporting, I am considering posting my interview with Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes, PRIOR TO AIRTIME! This will be done so that everybody can get a glimpse of what a FAKE and BIASED interview is all about," said President Trump.

Read about it...

The Proud Boys

The Proud Boys are in Palm Beach County and they are not a hate group or white supremacist organization

"Bobby Pickles — whose real name is not Bobby Pickles — is a college graduate, owner of a screen printing business and head of the West Palm Beach chapter of the Proud Boys."

Recently we had a poll on this blog asking if the Proud Boys were White Supremacists. The results: 100% of those who took the poll said that they were not, even if the Southern Poverty Law Center says that they are. Actually, the SPLC IS a hate group.

Read about them...

"Hunter Belongs in Jail," says Rudy!

Rudy Giuliani Explains That Hunter Biden Doesn’t Just Belong In Headlines… He Belongs In Prison


What are You voting for?

I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic we live in.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.
I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for continued peace progress in the middle east.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the American Flag that is disrespected by the Democratic Party.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored.
I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.
I'm voting for the CHILDREN to ensure their freedoms and their future.
What are you voting for?

Hoover-Stanford Study on Biden's Proposals

New Stanford Study Suggests Biden's Agenda Will Have 4 Devastating Economic Consequences

Media outlets have repeatedly asserted that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s tax agenda would only hurt the wealthy. But a new study shows that Biden’s tax and regulatory agenda could seriously hurt the economy overall.

Four economists from Stanford University’s Hoover Institution analyzed Biden’s proposals to increase taxes, reinstate and expand a host of regulations, and create new subsidies for healthcare and renewable energy. The study concludes that these interventions would distort labor incentives, decrease productivity, and kill jobs.

Read the Study

Biden Crime family - Documents to be Released possibly today

Rudy Giuliani Releasing Documents Revealing Personal Crimes by Biden Crime Family

"Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who is also President Trump's attorney knows a thing or two when it comes to political corruption.

This is the man who was once a prosecutor in New York and has taken down some of the mafia's biggest names.

When he says that the Bidens are corrupt, I tend to believe he knows what he's talking about."


Tonight Lake Worth Issues $123 million in Revenue bonds


Joe Biden's Corruption

DNI John Ratcliffe Says ‘Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Not Part Of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’

Well, we all know that! Democrats still harping on "Russians." They spent over two years trying to prove that Trump was involved with the Russians only to discover it was Crooked Hillary the entire time.

Ratcfliffe was on Fox Business’s Maria Bartiromo show this past Sunday. “So Maria, it is funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence,” Ratcliffe said.

Read about it...

You don't bring a Gun to a Party

I shot him': PBSO says Boynton man fatally shot friend amid scuffle at Lake Worth Beach party

Within a mile or so of where I live, a lot of unsavory characters hang out. There is plenty of crime in the hood.

This is just another killing by an irresponsible gun owner.

If you feel you have to bring a gun to a party, don't go!

Read about it...

Trump Rally Crowd shouted "Lock her Up!"

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) sure is hypocritical, even for a politician.

"Just weeks after deadly ricin poisoning was mailed to President Trump, Whitmer prominently displayed an “8645” sign in the background of the camera during an interview on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” When the term “86” is applied to a person it often carries the meaning of killing the individual.

Whitmer herself was the recent target of a kidnapping plot led by anti-Trump anarchists enraged over the governor’s strict lockdown orders. The lefties’ plot was foiled by the FBI and the governor projected the left-wing violence on to President Trump. But Democrats like Whitmer have spent the last four years inciting violence against President Trump and his supporters." {nationalinsiders.com]

"Whitmer is encouraging assassination attempts against President Trump just weeks after someone sent a Ricin-laced package to the White House," Trump's campaign said on Twitter.

Trump Boat Parade Jupiter to Mar-A-Lago

Large Barge Filled With First Responders Leads Massive Trump Boat Parade

Read the article and see the video

A few more photos from a Lake Worth resident who was there--

Palm Beach County Voters

  • Active Registered Voters: 10/20/20
  • Democrat: 429,447
  • Republican: 292,894
  • Other: 301,103
  • Total: 1,023,444

2020 General Election
November 3, 2020
Last Updated 10/20/2020 6:40:02 AM
Active Eligible Voters 1,019,884
Total Ballots Cast 251,108
Percent Turnout 24.62%

In Palm Beach County, Democrats represent 59.45% of Republican voters overall.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Lake Worth Beach Pier closed

Lake Worth Beach Pier closed due to bad weather

LAKE WORTH BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) — The pier in Lake Worth Beach is closed due to the bad weather. The city says once the bad weather moves away crews will assess the pier for damage and reopen it when it's safe. Rough surf is in the forecast for several days.

Doug Collins wants to Remove Pelosi as House Speaker

GOP Rep. Introduces Resolution to Remove Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker

Rep. Doug Collins has introduced a resolution that questions Nancy Pelosi’s mental fitness and calls for her removal as House Speaker.

Collins (R-GA) cited “recent actions” as a reason for her removal, as well as her refusal to adhere to the Constitution of the United States.

Read more about it...

Trump calls Fauci a ‘Democrat’ after he objected to campaign ad

Outing a Democrat is about as fiery as calling someone a "racist" 😀

Millennial Omari still insulting Lake Worth Commissioners

Election 2020: Hardy is the favorite in District 88, but how will he play in Tallahassee?

Of course Hardy is favored to win. This district is 60% Democrat and half of that are Black.

Hardy can't even shut his mouth on the way out of Lake Worth without being insulting and he won't be able to shut it in Tallahassee either where the State legislature has a 73 to 46 % advantage over Democrats.

The Millennial age group, 23 to 38, are insufferable in many ways. They all think they have the answers and the rest of us are just dumber than a rock.

Read about Hardy...

Trump supporters attacked

MULTIPLE INJURIES: Trump Supporters Attacked in San Francisco Outside Twitter HQ

"Video shows one man knocking out the teeth of a Black organizer of the event. Another video shows a woman dressed in an American flag shirt being assaulted by the mob.

“These people are racist terrorists,” organizer Philip Anderson said in a video filmed from a San Francisco hospital."

Read about it and see the video

This crap has to end and it will when we re-elect Trump on November 3. As many as a dozen conservatives, many wearing Make America Great Again ball caps, were attacked by Antifa thugs outside Twitter headquarters in San Francisco.

Trump's New Ad - Fauci quoted!

Dr. Fauci Is Upset That His Comments Ended Up in a New Trump Ad


County Mayor Dave Kerner Kept his word for John Prince Park

Dave Kerner has been very effective as mayor of Palm Beach County.

"During his four years, Kerner said he was proud of the progress the county made on homelessness, including action he led as mayor to clear out a "Tent City" that rose in John Prince Park.

The county will be building a second homeless center, and renovated the old jail stockade to give the park's homeless an alternative before county officials fenced off Tent City and moved the homeless out." [PBPost]

Now you see them--
Now you don't--

More Democrat Corruption

Feds Raid IBEW

Officials from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have confirmed that they are on scene at the headquarters of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 98 in Philadelphia.

The arrival of the FBI came just over a week after it had been announced that a federal bribery trial had been postponed. The trial involved union leader “Johnny Doc” Dougherty and Democrat City Councilmember Bobby Henon.

In August of 2016, the FBI raided IBEW headquarters and Dougherty’s home in South Philadelphia. Feds also searched City Hall and district offices belonging to Henon at the time.

Dougherty, Henon, and six others were indicted on embezzlement and fraud charges in February of 2019.


47 Years a Do-Nothing

"I've done more in 47 months than you did in 47 years." President Trump

Pomises Made; Promises Kept just this year alone!


Congressman Jim Jordan on the Biden/Ukrainian Corruption

Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Read Jim Jordan's blog Let's see how long this will be covered up by the mainstream media!

Google Issues

GOOGLE continues to mix-up videos on this blog. They have not corrected the flaw in their new interface. These are tech geniuses and they launched this new interface without considering Desktops or working out the kinks. Videos correspond correctly now on my I-Phone.

Videos continue to get interchanged and do not correspond to the correct blog. Google never answers and the problem continues.

Right to Life

President Trump has proven to be the most pro-life president since the Roe v Wade decision!

The Biden Crime Family

The BIDEN CRIME FAMILY'S Payoff Scheme | Rudy Giuliani's EXCLUSIVE Reaction

James Woods slams Alt-Leftist Hateful Michael Moore

James Woods Slams “Chubby Wumpkins” Michael Moore Over This Absurd ACB Meme

Don't let the Liars and Losers Discourage You

Pollster Says Don’t Believe the Mainstream Media’s Polls

The mainstream media is running its usual con-game on the American people right before a presidential election. The Democrat is up by a zillion points! It’s curtains for Big Orange! Why, Joe Biden has such a sizeable lead that all of you icky Trump supporters should just stay home on Election Day.

Read about it... and learn something, Democrats!

President Trump stopped mid-rally to honor a 100 year old veteran

Moments later, President Trump also gives a shoutout to a 105-year-old veteran in the crowd at the rally.

Tips to Flip Biden Backers

By: Alan J. Huber

Only 30 seconds to read
Q1) What is the most effective line to flip Biden voters?
A1) Why would you vote for Kamala Harris for President? [Background- Tuesday, my column discussed Joe Biden is not serving 4 years. Because of his physical and mental condition he may not be sworn in on inauguration day. He would not survive COVID the way Trump did? They may hate Trump… But very few people that you speak to support, Harris

Q2) I’m getting worried. The media makes it sound like we already lost big?
A2) Do you think it’s possible to make the Hunter Biden story disappear? The New York Times is saying the pandemic is almost over. They cancel the debate, and Trump and Biden will be on competing TV stations in town halls. The polls are paid for by the mainstream media. When was the last time they reported anything honestly?

Q3) How do I know the polls are wrong?
A3) Why is NBA down 70%? NFL also down. 40 million people listened to President Trump on Rush Limbaugh last week. Telemundo never said that the 66-33 “Who Won the Debate Poll (Trump) was wrong. 30,000 car Latin Trump parade in Miami. 250,000 join Walk-Away since July.

Q4) Is it better to vote in person or vote by mail?
A4) Republicans traditionally vote in person, but this election is like no other, and the Democrats are flooding the early voting, giving the media a story. Because every state is different, and sometimes the county is different, follow the instructions of the state and local Republican Party and the Trump campaign.

Just what we need--More Density

Lake Worth Beach CRA approves two apartment complexes

First proposal: The board gave contract approval to a $30 million, 121-unit apartment complex dubbed “Deco Green,” at 1715 North Dixie Highway

Second Proposal: Five story building in historic downtown, 124-unit, mid-rise apartment complex dubbed “Element.”on the land at 17 South M Street, 23 South M Street, 24 South L Street, 26 South L Street, 30 South L Street and 32 South L Street.

Read about the proposed complexes

"All I did was walk out of Church!"

Teen charged after shooting at pastor, his son-in-law at New Hope Community Church in PA

What the hell is going on in our country? The pastor's son-in-law has a bullet in his neck. As he said, “please pray for me. All I did was walk out of church. Life doesn’t make sense.”

He's right. Thanks to this counter-culture (liberals, socialists, communists, fake news media, atheists and people showing contempt for our great country), America is quickly losing its moral and ethical roots.

Read about it...

The Two Debates

Biden's Town Hall Was 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood' While Trump's Was 'President Vs. Guthrie,' Critics Say

ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos moderated Biden's in Philadelphia, while NBC's Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie moderated Trump's in Miami. And the two shows were drastically different in tone.

Critics were quick to suggest that it was due to contrasting approaches taken by the two moderators. "This is a town hall? Where is the town? It's just Savannah badgering. What a joke," Fox News host Greg Gutfeld tweeted.


Savannah Guthrie badgered the President and didn't even have citizens participate for the first 15-20 minutes.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Whistleblower Drops HARD Evidence, Biden, Obama, Hillary EXECU...

Cover-up for the $152 billion that Obama sent to Iran for deaths of Seal Team Six?

Mail-In Ballots found in the Trash

Dems Say “No Evidence” Mail-In Voting Is Anything But Safe

But What Is Going On In California?

"The fix is in, ladies and gentlemen. The Democrats tried their hardest to rig the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton and used the fake, misleading polls to convince the American people that she was steadily leading Trump just as they are using these same “polls” now to try and convince us that Biden is blowing Trump out of the water."

They really want to steal the election by hook or crook!

Read about it... and see that dozens of ballots that were found in the trash!

This has happened throughout the country.

Colorado Democrat says it's OK to Lie, Cheat & Steal to beat Trump

Democratic Party leader vows to 'lie,' 'cheat' and 'steal' to win

Caught on undercover camera warning of civil war if Trump reelected

"A Democratic Party leader in Colorado says the 2020 election amounts to a "revolution," meaning lying, cheating and stealing are morally acceptable actions if they help bring about the defeat of President Trump in November."

PB County Commission Meeting of October 6, 2020

Friends in South Florida continue to hammer county commissioners with their dissatisfaction regarding pandemic restrictions! Great job Josie! Palm Beach County 10/6/20

Smoking-gun E-mail Proves Joe Biden Lied

E-mail reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP Joe Biden

Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post.

Explosive emails appear to show that VP Biden met with Burisma exec Vadym Pozharskyi while on a trip to the US. A spokesperson for Joe Biden denied any such meeting in a statement on Wednesday as Joe has been denying all along.

This was all discovered from a computer that was dropped off in Delaware for repair in 2019 and never was retrieved.

Other material extracted from the computer includes a raunchy, 12-minute video that appears to show Hunter, who’s admitted struggling with addiction problems, smoking crack while engaged in a sex act with an unidentified woman, as well as numerous other sexually explicit images.

Read about it at The New York Post

Read it at Breitbart

Last Evening 10-15-20

Most of my posts from yesterday have disappeared and the one at 6am this morning is gone. It was on Hunter Biden and Joe e-mails from the New York Post. Just reposted it!

Trump Rally in Ocala Friday Night


Join President Donald J. Trump in Ocala, FL on Friday, October 16th at 4:00 PM EDT!

Get your tickets here. Details about the event below:

Friday, October 16th: Ocala, FL 

Ocala International Airport
1770 SW 60th Ave.

Ocala, FL 34474

Doors Open: 1:00 PM (EDT)

Event Begins: 4:00 PM (EDT)

Get your tickets here.