Friday, October 30, 2020

Lying Joe


  1. People are sick of Trump and the way he handled the Chinese Flu, that’s why they would rather vote for Biden or anyone with a pulse.

  2. @2:36...NO one is sick of Trump other than corrupt Democrats or those totally uninformed. It should be Biden's pulse you should be concerned about as Trump as more energy than 10 men. And it should be Biden's corruption that overrides it all and makes him unelectable. He talks about decency and respect but has NONE himself or for the American people...just the amount of $$$$ he can make off his position selling his country down the tubes with nothing to talk about but COVID. What a case.

  3. and one more thing--this is a conservative is not Facebook. I let your comment go because it was so damn funny.

  4. Whatever you say lady, Trump is losing because of Chinese Flu and his Twitter obsession and yes it’s the uninformed voters that he underestimated.
    Oh, Trump has more energy then 10 men? How do you measure his energy level against 10 men? How silly, get serious before it’s to late!

  5. For anonymous at @2:55--
    You got one thing right there--It IS the Chinese flu virus. The ONLY one who has an obsession with the Coronavirus is Joe Biden. It's his entire platform. What a joke!

  6. Trump has more energy than 10 Bidens, if you step away from CNN you'd know that,2:55pm. He well deserves the Nobel. How many leaders give back their salary? ONE.
