Sunday, October 25, 2020

Democrats are F-ing Crazy

ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT! Woman Arrested After Attempting to POISON President Trump

Carrying a gun when she was arrested, this nut job, who obviously has been empowered by the lame stream media and other subversives, sent an envelope to the White House containing ricin.

This barely has been mentioned in the Fake News and Lame News Media.

Have you ever noticed that the craziest are always liberal women?

Read about it...


  1. 100% NOT TRUE!!!

    Some of the crazies are liberal men!

  2. Happened over a month ago and you link to a CBS News "lamestream," "fake news" article while you're whining that no "lamestream," "fake news" is covering it.


  3. @5:41...if you read what I said, I said it was "barely" covered by the fake news media.
    LOL yourself for low comprehension.

  4. White Liberal Women hate themselves and our country.One,who works for the Cultural Council of Palm beach County and lives in our own college park, was calling for the riots ,looting and destruction that we have seen.She didn't care one bit for the black communities that were devastated. No skin off her Lilly white hiney sitting in her safe neighborhood.

  5. I think you're on to something 10:50. They certainly are an evil bunch. I'm sure they don't believe in the Devil, and yet, they've struck this Faustian bargain with him.

  6. @8:24 I think both of you are full of it
