Monday, October 19, 2020

Doug Collins wants to Remove Pelosi as House Speaker

GOP Rep. Introduces Resolution to Remove Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker

Rep. Doug Collins has introduced a resolution that questions Nancy Pelosi’s mental fitness and calls for her removal as House Speaker.

Collins (R-GA) cited “recent actions” as a reason for her removal, as well as her refusal to adhere to the Constitution of the United States.

Read more about it...


  1. Why waste time like this. There must be something else he could do, that might actually be possible, and improve his constituents lives.

    Most of Congress is just wasting our time. Arm Chair Generals, killing time until they get their pensions, and taking trips on our dime.

  2. Personally, I think everyone should take all actions to remove this crazy old lady. She has too much hate in her heart to be effective for everyone.

    Bye bye nasty pelosi.

  3. Pelosi is a danger to the American worker. She needs to go. They ALL need tax audits and term limits.

  4. Unrealistic Dreamers; don't know a thing about how politicians work. Term limits is never going to happen. Why not concentrate on something that is achievable?

  5. We have term limits for the Presidency so why not? We have term limits in our Florida legislature.
    Anything is possible and the majority of people want term limits from everything I have read.
    Congress is so corrupt, they want to be in there for life.

  6. From your lips to God's ears!
