Sunday, October 25, 2020

Microsoft Poll I took last night

Click to read--
The Microsoft News Poll uses online surveys, delivered to a random sample of likely voters, to produce statistically valid results. Each day we analyze 1,500 responses nationwide using tools from polling firm CivicScience. Microsoft Research then analyzes the results to model how demographic groups answered each question, based on age, gender, race, education, location, and party identification. Answers are then projected onto the estimated distribution of those demographic groups in the likely voting population. The method is as accurate as traditional polling methods.


  1. Trump will win again. Don't worry about it.

  2. Don't worry about it???? Every person who cares about the future of our country better worry about it! Paid for friend of the Bidens,pollster Frank Luntz,straight out said that we should not expect to have "the real winner" of the election until SATURDAY!!!!! There was a reason Hillary warned Biden not to concede "under any circumstances".If Trump has an overwhelming victory on election night-DON'T BELIEVE IT! It's all smoke and mirrors and the millions of "Mail In" ballots that will miraculously appear weeks after the election,(which will all somehow be for future President Harris) will tell us who our REAL President will be.

  3. When Trump has a clear win of the electoral college on election night, we WILL BELIEVE IT. Mail-in ballots will be suspect especially if they are counted and received after the election.
    And you're quoting crooked Hillary here?
