Friday, October 16, 2020

The Two Debates

Biden's Town Hall Was 'Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood' While Trump's Was 'President Vs. Guthrie,' Critics Say

ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos moderated Biden's in Philadelphia, while NBC's Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie moderated Trump's in Miami. And the two shows were drastically different in tone.

Critics were quick to suggest that it was due to contrasting approaches taken by the two moderators. "This is a town hall? Where is the town? It's just Savannah badgering. What a joke," Fox News host Greg Gutfeld tweeted.


Savannah Guthrie badgered the President and didn't even have citizens participate for the first 15-20 minutes.


  1. After 4 years of Trump, I'm ready for Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood.

    Count me in.

  2. Don't know why you would want a bumbling fool and want socialism for our country? Strange, that.

  3. Honestly, I'm just tired of the name calling and the ineptitude and the fear-mongering and the middle school boy behavior. It was fun for about a year and now it's gotten old and tired. Our economy is in trouble and the administration still has no plan to address the pandemic. He's had 4 years to come up with a health plan that he said he would get done on Day One...and still we have nothing.

    I know you don't agree...this is just my opinion. Please, please, please don't attack me and call me names for having a different opinion than yours. I'm just so tired of all this.

  4. Have you ever considered the opposition in the House that holds the majority that is the stumbling block?
    Obamacare is still in effect but the President has been trying to get a better plan at a lower cost. Read this--

  5. And further to that--repeal and replace didn't work, after the late Sen. John McCain's dramatic thumbs down on a crucial vote. He hated Trump that much to allow a better healthcare to proceed.
    So, @9:35, how do you fight for American citizens when Democrats and RINO's (those who were on the stage with Trump in a debate) hate so much and block crucial legislation?
    It is a very sick political society today. Losers and Liars are trying to run our government and people who want to spend us into bankruptcy block everything they can.

  6. Stephanopoulos? His days in the spotlight are numbered. Epstein pump will OUT him.

  7. You reap what you sow. If you stopped attacking the president, he would in turn treat people nicer.

    Savanah Grumpy thought she was debating him, and he still treated her pretty kindly. I'd told her to let the audience speak!
