Saturday, October 24, 2020

Illegal Gang Members Murder Man in Sanctuary City

Four Illegal MS-13 Gang Members Charged with Murdering 29-Year-Old

Montgomery County, Maryland has been well-known for its Sanctuary City status and its welcoming of MS-13 gang members and illegal aliens.

Four of the five MS-13 Gang members are illegal aliens who entered the U.S. as “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UACs). The other gang member, likely a foreign national, may eventually be eligible for deportation.

Joe Biden approves of Sanctuary cities and wants to automatically give citizenship to the approximate 11 million illegals in this country. Some have estimated that the number is more like 20M to 30M.

We've seen way too much of this in our country. It is time to get rid of Sanctuary cities.

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan ruled on Feb. 26 that the Department of Justice (DOJ) could withhold funding from cities and states that refuse to cooperate with the Trump administration's crackdown on undocumented immigrants. California's Federal Court of appeals took a different stand ruling that funds could not be withheld.

Read about it...

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