Friday, October 23, 2020

DOJ moves to Break-up Google

DOJ Moves To Break Up Google: ‘Most Important Antitrust Case In A Generation’

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will file an antitrust lawsuit against Google on Tuesday after conducting a lengthy investigation into the tech giant over alleged monopolistic behavior.

The lawsuit will allege that the tech giant has engaged in anticompetitive practices to protect its search and search-advertising businesses, sources identified only as senior DOJ officials told The Wall Street Journal.


1 comment:

  1. I remember when they broke up AT&T. Now, we have all of these little AT&T's and none of them can make up for the incredible customer service we had from one AT&T.

    Google is very useful, but I was never at a loss for information without Google. I don't care if they break up Google or not.
