Friday, October 16, 2020

Tips to Flip Biden Backers

By: Alan J. Huber

Only 30 seconds to read
Q1) What is the most effective line to flip Biden voters?
A1) Why would you vote for Kamala Harris for President? [Background- Tuesday, my column discussed Joe Biden is not serving 4 years. Because of his physical and mental condition he may not be sworn in on inauguration day. He would not survive COVID the way Trump did? They may hate Trump… But very few people that you speak to support, Harris

Q2) I’m getting worried. The media makes it sound like we already lost big?
A2) Do you think it’s possible to make the Hunter Biden story disappear? The New York Times is saying the pandemic is almost over. They cancel the debate, and Trump and Biden will be on competing TV stations in town halls. The polls are paid for by the mainstream media. When was the last time they reported anything honestly?

Q3) How do I know the polls are wrong?
A3) Why is NBA down 70%? NFL also down. 40 million people listened to President Trump on Rush Limbaugh last week. Telemundo never said that the 66-33 “Who Won the Debate Poll (Trump) was wrong. 30,000 car Latin Trump parade in Miami. 250,000 join Walk-Away since July.

Q4) Is it better to vote in person or vote by mail?
A4) Republicans traditionally vote in person, but this election is like no other, and the Democrats are flooding the early voting, giving the media a story. Because every state is different, and sometimes the county is different, follow the instructions of the state and local Republican Party and the Trump campaign.

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