Monday, October 26, 2020

Radical Left will be in charge if Biden Wins

Radical Left Planning a White House Take Over If Joe Biden Wins Election

"...the radical left is just using him as a puppet to try and win the approval of the centrist Democrats. What they really want to happen is for Kamala Harris, who is as radical as they come to take over after Biden is elected (except that’s not going to happen). But it does seem like this is what they’re gunning for."

I think the radical Left (which is most of the Democrat party today) will be causing all sorts of havoc when President Trump is re-elected for four more years.



  1. You think they'll poison him, Lynn? Or maybe they'll rearrange the Oval Office furniture and he won't be able to find the desk and AOC will sneak in and sit at the desk and start calling the shots. I think that's the way it's going to happen. And then Bernie and Elizabeth will head over, report in to AOC and together they'll run everything!
