Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Wes Blackman files Intent to Run for Mayor of Lake Worth (Beach)

Those who have declared their intent to run for Mayor are Betty Resch, Wes Blackman and incumbent, Mayor Pam Triolo.

The official time to get your name on the ballot is from November 24 through noon on December 8.

Rumer has it that Omari Hardy has been working behind the scenes to replace our dais.


  1. Pam will win. Hardy should butt out

  2. I got a call last night informing me of Wes' decision to run. I was totally surprised by the news.

  3. why should you be surprised with anything in this town PAM YOU HAVE MY VOTE

  4. Back in 2009, Wes Blackman called all of us who were in the middle of saving our neighborhood from up-zoning and undesired development on the Sunset property "wackos."

    In a special meeting held on August 25, 2009, the Lake Worth City Commission voted to repeal two city ordinances that would have allowed MF 20 zoning (20 units per acre) into the single family Lake Osborne Heights neighborhood. The commission consisted of Commissioners Cara Jennings, Commissioner Retha Lowe, Mayor Jeff Clemens, Commissioner Joanne Golden and Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill. The undeveloped 4.02 acre property that was the subject of the commission's action reverted to its previous zoning of “County Agricultural” (five units per acre). Zoning is all political.

  5. Blackman is a growth whore,for sure. I'll be voting for Pam.

  6. I like Pam, but I have to see Betty's platform.

  7. There is a reason why Betty was removed from the BAR.

    Pam has my vote.

  8. I believe, @6:31, that is a false charge. She had a few minor grievances, that's about it. She is still a lawyer in good standing.

  9. Elaborate 6:31. You just can't make a statement like that without backing it up. I'd say you had a personal grievance that you would like to air.

  10. Was you a Democrat in 2009? If you was then Wes was correct, yes?

  11. Wes will not run ! He loves Pam and is playing up the lets pull votes game.(like Kanye west attempted )He will never say one thing negative about pam. Hes part of the crew. Betty will win hands down. Pam will be lucky to get 25% of the vote.

  12. @10:12---Wes has never been right when it comes to me. Politically, we are totally different.
    I used to be a Democrat. In fact, I was a Director in the local Democrat Club. But I saw the light when Obama came on the scene. I walked-away and I thank God, who showed me the way.

    @11:23---It is only Wes' intent at this point. He opened a bank account and is prepared to officially file. He's run before. Perhaps he feels "this is his time" as he was "meant to run" just like Beto.


  13. Andy did the same thing during his last election. He had gotten a woman to file to run against him so he can go out and raise money. He wasn’t getting many Contributions so he tried to make it appear like now he needs the money more than ever. It’s sad how the Democrats try to always manipulate these elections. They think they’re so smart yet any civil minded person can see right through them. Wes makes too much money through the city to even consider taking the mayors position at a pay cut
