Thursday, October 22, 2020

George Floyd didn't listen in 2019 either

Judge Orders Release of George Floyd's 2019 Arrest Video, Shows Similarity to 2020 Confrontation

Prosecutors had sought to keep the video from being seen by the public.

In 2019, Floyd would later admit to police that he was addicted to painkillers and that during the traffic stop he swallowed as many as eight Percocet pills, according to The Washington Post.

Just think, this character drug user was the cause of the most unbelievable destruction with protests, looting and fires that swept across Minneapolis and cities across the country. Now he is revered as someone who was subject to police brutality and four police officers are charged with various degrees of murder.

Everyone at the time, even some journalists that I feel are responsible, never mentioned anything about due process or "innocent until proven guilty," such as Sean Hannity. They all had the cops tried and convicted.

Time will tell.

Read about it...

1 comment:

  1. The guy was a low-life and on Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic opioid. The autopsy proves that he died from drugs, not a knee
