Sunday, October 25, 2020

Omari still causing waves even though he's no longer here!

Now it's Commissioner Robinson keeping the Omari Hardy antaqonism alive!

Lake Worth Beach shuts down discussion about replacing Omari Hardy on city commission

The commission already decided to address the vacancy after the qualifying deadline on December 8.

It has nothing to do with the "lack of transparency" that Commissioner Herman Robinson has alluded.

Robinson also says that District 2 will have no representation. False. Every commissioner elected in Lake Worth represents all of the people, not just those in their district, and every resident knows and understands this other than Robinson.

Read about it...


  1. True. Herman already lied. When he first ran, he said he would be in for one term.

  2. Agree. If we had district by district voting instead of city wide voting for candidates the argument would hold water. It doesn't . How can these people be so stupid?

  3. Poor Herman. He now has nobody to tell him what to think. He must be so lost without the Hardy comedy hour giving him direction on who and what to HATE.

    One more year until they can vote him out??

  4. Radical Robinson is just a six pack short of a case.

