Friday, June 14, 2024

Strategic Global Chess Move: Naval Manuevers Off The Coast of Cuba

US Navy Dispatches Destroyers To Monitor Russian Naval Flotilla Near Florida

"Tensions rise as the US Navy tracks Russian military vessels near American waters.

Daily Mail reported that the US deployed three destroyers and a submarine reconnaissance aircraft to monitor a Russian nuclear submarine and warship equipped with hypersonic weapons near American shores.

In a tense show of naval power, Russian warships equipped with advanced military technology passed just 25 miles from the South Florida coast, prompting the US Navy to initiate a tracking and surveillance mission.

The operation includes several key assets: the destroyers USS Truxtun, USS Donald Cook, and USS Delbert D. Black, alongside a submarine reconnaissance aircraft.

Their mission is to closely monitor the Russian flotilla led by Admiral Gorshkov, a frigate known for carrying Zircon hypersonic missiles."

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  1. you know this is just to take our sights off what is really happening

  2. All war and power struggles are stupid! By ignorant so called leaders.
