Friday, June 14, 2024

John Fetterman gives Dems good advice

John Fetterman let Bill Maher in on the secret that will infuriate Democrats

John Fetterman continues to confound Democrats

"And not in a good way.

And John Fetterman let Bill Maher in on the secret that will infuriate Democrats. John Fetterman tries to hide his leftism.

U.S. Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) ran for office in Pennsylvania as a socialist Bernie Bro. A near-fatal stroke he suffered in May 2022 left him cognitively impaired.

Fetterman looked and sounded like he would be unable to continue on as a U.S. Senator and even checked himself into the hospital for weeks’ worth of mental health treatment after he realized he would never fully recover.

So whatever happened to him, he saw the light since returning to Washington, D.C.. He’s been one of the most outspoken Democrats warning the party they are taking a huge political risk by supporting open borders and protesting in favor of Hamas."



  1. There has to be at least one sane Democrat

  2. i caught that intervie.not bad for a comedy hour

  3. I just always wonder where the logic is all these crazy Dems always supporting rescue dogs or children in Gaza but yet the same people think it's okay to abort and kill innocent voiceless helpless babies in the womb. Where's the logic you want to save rescue dogs but it's okay to kill a baby?

  4. @9:26...I think these crazy Dems should be supporting Israel, the only democracy in that area of the world, and the horrible atrocities that descended upon them on October 7.
