Friday, June 14, 2024

China building megaport in Peru

China's Megaport in Peru Alarms US Officials

according to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. is concerned about the potential for China to use the port for military purposes

"China is building a $3.5 billion megaport in Peru that could speed trade between Asia and South America and provide Beijing with an economic foothold in the region, historically dominated by the U.S., the Wall Street Journal reported.

The project, backed by Hong Kong-based Cosco Shipping Ports, also has raised concerns among U.S. officials about national security implications.

"This changes the game," said Eric Farnsworth, a former high-ranking State Department diplomat who now leads the Washington office of the Council of the Americas think tank. "It really platforms China in a major new way in South America as the gateway to global markets. It is not just a commercial issue at that point, it is a strategic issue."

The port will be the first on South America's Pacific coast able to receive megaships and is 4,500 miles from San Francisco, or on America's "20-yard-line," said Gen. Laura Richardson, head of the U.S. Southern Command."

Read about it...


  1. China investing literally trillions of dollars building infrastructure all over the world.

    What are we doing? What a bunch of morons we turned into.

  2. With the army we have now, we couldn't fight our way out of a paper bag!

  3. Quit shit-talking the United States.

  4. @3:56...liberals never face facts.

  5. Why doesn't it surprise me that MAGA thinks loving America is only for liberals?

  6. You think you can fight a global war with a few Special Forces; a few Green Berets; a dozen Navy Seals?

    You need hundreds of thousands of men. Real men, not girly men. Men who are trained and willing to die for their country.

    You think we have that? You're delusional!

  7. To the cowardly person who continues to come over here with their BS, learn how to read and comprehend and stop the foul language.
    You are NO American lover. What you are is a Marxist, illiterate Democrat tyrant. Get over yourself.

  8. Everyone evil wants to control the world! Slaves for the devil!
