Friday, June 14, 2024

Commonsense conservatism and MAGA tenets will set Democrats free

Disordant Democrats are shrilling against MAGA

Democrats are reflecting their typical disdain for intellectual diversity

Despite the fifty-state movement attracting increasing numbers of converts, despondent Dems desperately label MAGA a cult. They even assert that its members need to be deprogrammed.

Not long ago, hideous Hillary insisted that MAGA is a cult and its members need deprogramming. Sure, she’s a shriveled up, ghastly old has-been who couldn’t even parlay Bill’s political nous, but it’s not just she. Just last week, Dem Paula Collins, who is running against GOP rep. Elise Stefanik for New York’s 21st Congressional District (good luck with that), suggested that MAGA-supporters need to go to a re-education camp.

Then there are many in legacy media who are forever gaslighting their audience. Examples abound. Here’s one from the disreputable publication The Atlantic. And another from the equally disreputable Washington Post, whose slogan “Democracy Dies in Darkness” is the height of irony.

It’s truly bizarre to label a movement comprising huge swaths of the electorate as a cult.

Read the American Thinker

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