Thursday, February 24, 2022

US People's Convoy

US Truck Convoy Departs on Cross-Country Trek to Washington to Protest COVID-19 Mandates

Hundreds of truckers and supporters departed a southern California site on Feb. 23 for a trip planned to culminate in the Washington area.

The so-called People’s Convoy, inspired by Canadian truckers who drew international attention, hopes to convince authorities to ease or withdraw COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other restrictions imposed during the pandemic.

The convoy has specific demands, including urging President Joe Biden to rescind his declaration of a national emergency over COVID-19. Biden, a Democrat, on Feb. 20 said the emergency will be extended beyond March 1 because of a “risk to the public health and safety.”

Read about the truckers...

In the meantime, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved deployment of national guard troops for DC Trucker Convoy Protest

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