Thursday, February 24, 2022

House Oversight Committee Stonewalled

U.S. Advisers Shredded Documents Detailing Fauci’s Past Under Obama

( )- "In early February, Republican members of the House Oversight Committee sent a letter to Xavier Becerra, the Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary demanding the release of documents related to the National Institutes of Health’s involvement with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and accusing the HHS and NIH of hiding, obfuscating, and shielding the truth.

The letter, which accuses both the NIH and HHS of stonewalling repeated requests for documents, also alleges that the National Institutes of Health has a practice of destroying 'potentially pertinent documents related to grant-making decisions'.”

Read about it... and Republicans being ignored on information requests regarding Wuhan Lab and Dr. Fraud.

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