Thursday, February 24, 2022

2nd Booster Shot?

The FDA is considering giving the okay to a second coronavirus booster shot: report

Not having got the booster shot, this is surprising, sort of, perhaps not...

The Wall Street Journal reports that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is looking into authorizing a second coronavirus booster shot.

Remember back when the powers that be claimed that two doses of a coronavirus vaccine would suffice? How about when they said that only one booster shot would be needed?

Well, they lied. Now, if the FDA approves a second booster shot, then the tally will be up to four coronavirus vaccine doses: the initial two followed by two boosters.

It is looking more and more as though those who have argued that the new norm will be routine coronavirus booster vaccines are going to be proven to be right.

Read the latest...


  1. Science evolves as we learn more, right?

    Remember when smoking was okay, until it wasn't? Or not wearing seat belts was okay, until it wasn't?

    I'll take 10 boosters if that will keep me alive and protected against this virus because, well, I'd like to live.

    Almost 1 million Americans have dies from COVID. Many of them didn't want the shot. Their choice. And they paid the ultimate price.

    Mock the science. Mock the vaccine. Just more parking places for the rest of us.

  2. 11;53

    Have you seen the 2 women who got the jab and now shake uncintrollably in all their waking hours?

    How many have died who got the jab?

  3. The CDC says that more people have died who have NOT had the vaccines. I would love to see the stats but I do not believe they are keeping them.
    At this point, I don't trust anything coming our of this government.
    But one thing we do know, Pharmaceuticals are making billions.

  4. I trust the Trump vaccine. If Biden had developed it, I wouldn't have taken it. But Trump did it and I trust Trump. Don't trust Trump...but don't call yourself a Republican.

  5. have a lot of nerve.
    The Booster shot was developed under Biden in September 2021.
