Friday, January 14, 2022

Grocery Chain defending its First Amendment Right

Uppity Grocery Store Chain Attacked For Standing Ground Against BLM

"This is actually a surprising move for the company as they are not exactly against BLM. But they are refusing to be strong-armed into allowing their employees to wear their slogans. And now the National Labor Relations boards is coming after them for enforcing their dress code.

"Whole Foods is defending itself amid an effort from National Labor Relations Board prosecutors to force the Amazon-owned grocery chain to allow its employees to wear "Black Lives Matter" attire while they are at work, despite the company's longstanding policy forbidding all slogans in its dress code.

"The Amazon-owned grocery chain denied any wrongdoing in response to a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) complaint that it had infringed on federal law by enforcing a workplace dress code barring the apparel.

Labor Relations Board supporting a terrorist action? This crap is going way too far. I remember the day, and it wasn't that long ago, where signs were on stores, "No shoes, no service."  Now they make a baker bake a cake with an inscription of which he does not approve.


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