Friday, January 14, 2022

Welfare Leeches

ALERT: Obama Welfare Leech Drops Receipt In Parking Lot, Internet ERUPTS At What It Exposes…

Well now, it seems as if we have a big problem when it comes to Obama’s WELFARE LEECHES. The bottom line is that they are getting WAY too much free money.

While we are all working our as$es off to support ourselves and our families and living within our budgets and eating burgers and whatever we can afford, welfare leeches are in fact eating like KINGS.

And how is it that these welfare leeches wear designer clothes and roll around cruising BRAND NEW luxury vehicles like BMW’s and Cadillac’s.

Click here to see what the receipt said


  1. Hey, Lynn -

    How about writing about what's happening here in Lake Worth, rather than posting articles like this, seemingly written by a 16 year-old with a bad attitude and no grammatical skills.

    We have an election coming up here in town. Let's hear about that.
    And Street Painting. And Taste of Lake Worth.And McVoy having a conflict, or 2. And the Mayor representing clients against code enforcement. And...

  2. I really have lost interest in writing about Lake Worth.
    1) term limits of two consecutive terms for a given seat (6 years—I think 9 years is best—3, 3 year terms)
    2) in any election a candidate may concede without forcing a run off--ok
    3) change to single-member district voting, mayor at large (totally against this...because it cannot produce proportional representation. Commissioners in actuality represent all of us in this city)
    4) allow election by plurality should the leading candidate get 40% plus 1 of the vote. The biggest disadvantage to this is someone can get elected with small amounts of public support

  3. I agree with this I always noticed that the presidente or Bravo supermarkets you see all these people paying with food stamp snap cards and they all have these designer clothes on and Gucci purses and shoes and go and get into a Mercedes or BMW mostly Latinos like cubanos and they know how to really work the system living off the government but then they all have the best clothes and the best cars go figure?

  4. What you are saying 7:45, they have been saying for as long as I can remember. The Gucci bags and designer clothing are on sale in every thrift store up and down the coast. Basically, nobody dresses like that anymore.

    As for the cars, they are probably leased.

    And what are you doing in a Bravo or El Presidente anyway?

    One further thing: Many if not most of the tradesmen we hire down here are from Latin America. They have the skills we forgot.

  5. Boy oh boy, you Lake Worth folks never change, do ya?

  6. Lake Worth folks are predominantly Democrats.

  7. Y'all oughta head up to North Florida with the rest of the crackers who haven't moved on from the old days. You would be a lot happier...and the City of Lake Worth would be, too.

  8. What would make most of us ecstatic would be if all you communists would just move anywhere but here---maybe California or NY...ya'll really screwed up those state.
