Friday, January 14, 2022

Full fledged Communism shows its ugly head

Bill Filed In Washington Would Authorize ‘Strike Force’ To ‘Involuntarily Detain’ Unvaccinated Families

There can be arguments using the scientific data debating the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine, but it is still an experimental drug.

No medical or scientific expert can assure anyone that there are not going to be side effects. Most do not even know what these side effects might look like. There are already an alarming number of documented cases of deadly adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine.

A new piece of legislation in Washington state would allow for government forced internment of the unvaccinated. A new COVID protocol, WAC 246-100-040 has been proposed as a revision to state guidelines.

It would change the “procedures for isolation and quarantine.” The order, if passed, would give local health officials the right to use an emergency decree to detain people. It would be at the local health official’s sole discretion.

Targeting the unvaccinated and taking them to jail

1 comment:

  1. Nope.

    "A Facebook post shared a flyer warning that Washington’s State Board of Health in a Jan. 12 meeting was going to discuss changes that would allow for the forced quarantines of unvaccinated families and require students to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend school.

    The board is discussing rules changes to the state’s administrative Code to bring it in line with a state law (ESHB 1551) that went into effect in June 2020. The changes are related to language about HIV and not at all related to quarantine or isolation policies, nor do they discuss using law enforcement to enforce quarantines.

    The board is not taking any action about vaccine requirements for students, but is expected to hear a status update from an advisory group tasked with making a recommendation. Any recommendation or vote would take place at a future hearing.

    We rate this claim Mostly False."
