Monday, November 29, 2021

Joe Biden Lied!

OMG: Biden Imports Army of 82,000 Afghans … & It Begins

I know you will find this hard to believe, but Joe Biden lied about the evacuees from Afghanistan. Biden looked straight into the cameras and promised the American people that the Afghanis brought out of the country would be vetted very cautiously before being brought into the United States.

Do you know what that vetting process consisted of? They were asked if they were criminals or terrorists and if they said no, they were allowed into this country.

75% of the evacuees were not American citizens, green card holders, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa holders, or applicants for the visa.”

Read more about it... But we all know what Biden did!


  1. These thousands of Afghans were not vetted and now they are living in our cities.

  2. It would be hard to be much worse than our own citizens now, though, wouldn't it?

    I'm sure any one of us could cite several examples.
