Monday, November 29, 2021

Illegal Aliens is what they are!

Some States Dropping 'Dehumanizing' Terms for Immigrants

California and Colorado this year banned state agencies from using the word “alien” to refer to immigrants who entered the U.S. without permission

At least seven statehouses have considered or left pending legislation this year to replace the term “illegal,” “alien,” or both from state laws referencing what they want us all to say are only immigrants. After all, this is the humane way, they say.

The problem here is they are not immigrants; they are illegal aliens a/k/a, criminals.

In April, U.S. Customs and Border Protection ordered employees to avoid using the word “alien” in internal documents and public communications and instead use “non-citizen” or “migrant.” “Illegal alien” also was out, to be replaced by descriptions such as “undocumented non-citizen.”

What the Biden administration and Democrats must do is enforce our laws.

Read this crock... and liberal woke ideology that is destroying our country.

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